Chapter 6: Tyler Daniels

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Izzy's POV:
It's Wednesday morning and I was walking through the hallway toward my locker. When I saw a cute guy leaning against it.

" Hey gorgeous, looking extra sexy today,"

"I'm sorry, who are you?"

"My names tyler. Tyler Daniels, and your Isabella Reed. Right?"

"Yeah, I'm Izzy. Nice to meet you,"

"The pleasure is all mine," he said with a wink. " I was wondering if you would go to the Dolan's house party, like together?" He asked raising an eyebrow

"Uh, yeah. That sounds fun," I said with a smile.

"Here's my number, text me your address and I'll pick you up at 6,"

"Thanks, see you then," I smiled walking to the girls.

I can't believe I've got a date to a party that's so awesome. Not bad for a new girl.

Chelsea's POV:

Yesterday Izzy told me she was invited to Grayson's party. I was so stoked for her because he never invited people he hasn't known for more than a year. But some people like to show up unannounced a.k.a Tyler Daniels. But I'm worried about Izzy I mean us girls have become so close she doesn't have any secretes, or anything to hide as a matter of fact. She is open with her own life story and personal information just like the rest of us. We hate secrets between us. So in saying that I found out:

- she is a virgin
- doesn't smoke
- she is a model
- super humble
- cares about everyone
- puts everyone's wellbeing before her own
- no drugs
- no alcohol
- an A student
( and she is super nice and funny)

She is to good for Grayson. People like Izzy when they get hurt, they play with revenge because the don't know how to cope, they lose control and piece of mind of what is truly important in life. Like the rest of us. We were once like her but this group changes you, you get sucked in by the social hierarchy and everything becomes a competition. Oh, did I mention you become a total dick and self obsessed to uphold your status. I am not ashamed to admit it. But I wouldn't change a thing for the world.

Anyway back to the point, Grayson.

"Grayson you can't do this," I said looking around nervously

"Yes I can and I will," he replied wiring the security system.

I heard the click of the school door open as we entered.

"Fuck, " I whispered as I flung myself over the fence and chased after him.

"Alright, let's go," he said out of breath.

We were breaking into kids lockers we hated. He collected personal information and secrets. The purpose of this was to blackmail people so they would owe him favours. Wether it was for sex, drugs, revenge or amusement, it was horrible to be a witness.

*post flashback*

I was the only one who knew.
I dare not tell a soul.

Grayson's POV:
I was texting Izzy in math. I invited her, jade, Britney, Becca and Chelsea to join me and the boys in our hideout in the woods. Except I left one tiny detail out; An old creepy hideout in the woods. Ethan, Jack g, Jack d, hayes and I would be there tonight. For Izzy's initiation into the clique.

We agreed to meet at the park on the outskirts of the woods at 6. Ethan and I drove to the liquor store and got some booze. We dropped by our weed dealer, Scooter's house and headed home to get changed.

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