Chapter 11: Revenge

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I walked downstairs and through the kitchen taking 6 shots before I continued with my plan. The alcohol was taking effect and I was safe to say I was intoxicated. I saw Jake standing there with Grayson no where in site.

"Hey Jakeyyy," I said slurring my words.

"Izzy, hey. Do you want another one?"

"Yes please," I replied ending up downing four more. Yikes.

"Hey do you want to dance?" He asked.

"Yeah, I would love too,"

He grabbed my hand and pulled me to the backyard now packed with strangers. Practically no room for movement. We started dancing until 'Sexy can I' came on.

" I love this song!" I shouted over the speakers.

Jake spun me around and I started grinding on him. He ran his hands down my body nipping at the skin of my neck. I felt people watching but I didn't care, I felt amazing. Flashes went of and I heard faint sounds of images being captured but they were probably in my head. Jake grabbed my hips so I was facing toward him and leaned in whispering sweet nothings in my ear.

Grayson's POV:

I was walking to go catch up with Jake when I saw him whispering into some girls ear. Go Jake! When he pulled away my heart sunk, I felt a lump in my throat. My head was spinning even more, given the fact that I had previously consumed a frightening sum of vodka.


"Be right back," Jake shouted over the music and winking at her.

This is my chance. As he left I swooped in grabbing Izzy's wrist and pulling her up the stairs into a vacant room locking the door behind me.

"Izzy what the fuck, what were you doing? Where have you been? I've been worried sick. What did Jake do to----,"

I heard her giggle and saw her sway side to side from the alcohol. I reached out my arms to steady her. A gesture which she harshly denied pushing my arms away her eyes darkening.

"God you're such a girl. Why are you acting like my boyfriend?"

"Because I am!"

"No I'm ... uh.. um. ohh yeah.. I'm Izzy you're friend. Remember Gray,"

"Izzy I -"

"No Dolan. I am your friend I can do what I want when I want with who I want. And you have no say in the matter,"

"You're acting like a real bitch about this,"

"Excuse me!?"

Shit Grayson.

"Yeah.. heard me correctly,"

"I can't believe you,"

"Oh please Izzy, what's there to not believe.You're being an irrational bitch!"

" You know what, go find another goody-two-shoes to put up with your bullshit. Someone who won't ask about your bad boy past. Someone who will see you as a person, not a gate way to the hall of fame. Oh shit that won't happen because everyone around you just wants to be around 'THE GRAYSON DOLAN' and the attention that comes with it. Too fucking bad they don't know he's a grade A dick,"

"Fuck you. This, us, we're over,"
My blood was boiling.

"We never started to begin with. Friend,"

She started to walk out before I pulled out the big guns.
"You are just upset our little honeymoon fling is over,"

Izzy's POV:

Fling are you fucking joking me.

"Upset, Oh Grayson," I walked up to him putting my hand on his shoulder. "Sweet, young, naive Gray I never enjoyed to begin with." I smirked walking away. "I used you but you were shit in bed so I guess it had to end. Sooner rather that later am I right? Oh, and tell Britney I wish her good luck she'll need it." I held up my hand closing my fingers close together signalling he had a tiny dick. Wasn't true but I didn't care. No one has ever stood up to him and he needs a blow to the ego.

I asked Jade if I could borrow her car and she said it was fine because she was going home with Ethan. I jumped in the car and started it holding the steering wheel firm in my hands. I tightened my grip, followed by a string of sobs and hot tears streaming down my face. It was a show, all a show. I loved him so much. But if that is how he felt about me, I will learn not to.

I parked in my driveway and entered my house my parents were asleep so I muffled the sounds of my cries by biting my lip. I locked my bedroom door and slid down it, my breath uneven.

Hope this was okay guys x
Hope you guys like it and I will update tomorrow x

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