Chapter 8: In Love

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Izzy's POV:

I told Tyler Daniels that I couldn't go with him anymore. I said I was interested in somebody else. Grayson and I have been going strong for a week now much to everyone's surprise. It has been great. I am at the party right now everyone is having a good time especially Ethan. Surprised? He has been drinking non stop and hooking up with random girls to fill the void in his life. Jade has been flirting with Hayes non stop and they would be cute together but right now Ethan is out of control. We have been here for a couple of hours so everyone decided to head home.
*2 months passes*

Grayson's POV:

I am so in love with Izzy it is ridiculous. Last night we did "it" but it felt different to the other girls. It was magical and it has been the first time I have felt genuine love. The fans love us and our management team loves me for it, we are getting so much publicity and a great reputation. We needed it after the "break up of the year" as E news called it. The tabloids went crazy and they were fuelling the fire with even more ridiculous rumours to make things interesting for the readers. We were both heavily criticised because of one of Ethan's dumb ass mistakes. Our managers were pissed and had to send anonymous emails with a fake story to make it light hearted. But they never got to fix Ethan's tantrum with the photo of him destroying the treehouse. The group is still together even though Ethan has become an alcoholic. Jade has moved on and is together with Hayes. Tomorrow night everyone is going to a party Tyler is hosting, I hate the kid but I can't say no to free drinks.

This chapter is super short but it is just a fill in and an update on their lives before the interesting stuff starts to happen x 💕

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