Episode 23 Part 1~Simon Says

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Alec: Welcome back to everyone's #1 live show: The Challenge! Let's give it up for our awesome contestant, Nino!

Adrien and I hype him up as he tips his cap and walks onstage with Alec.

Alec: So Nino, you're a student and a DJ. That's pretty awesome! Check out the decks we got for you!

Both Nino and Alec turn to the provided DJ set. Nino walks behind the set and gives it a small go.

Alec: (takes out an envelope)So, the challenge the viewers have chosen for you is... to get the mayor of Paris, André Bourgeois, to dance!

The mayor of France appears on the screen behind them.

Alec: Thank you for agreeing to play with us today, sir. What are Nino's chances tonight?

Mayor Bourgeois: (confidently)Zero. I despise dancing. The last time I set foot on a dance floor, Madonna was in kindergarten!

Alec: Alright, Nino! Start whenever!

At his words, Nino started his challenge. While Mayor Bourgeois stubbornly didn't give in to the music, an employee settles a contestant next to Adrien.

Both Adrien and I wave to the contestant. The young man notices Adrien and tries to shake his hand. Adrien's bodyguard notices and shields Adrien, standing protectively in front of him.

Adrien: No! It's okay!

I quietly chuckled to myself and looked back up the stage. While Nino was dropping beats, the Mayor started to nod to the beat.

Alec: (in a boisterous tone)Victory! Challenge conquered by Nino. You moved your head to the beat, Mayor Bourgeois! That counts as dancing!

Mayor Bourgeois: (shocked)What?! That's not true! My neck was... itching, that's all.

Alec: Relieving an itch to the beat counts as dancing, too! Nino, congratulations. You'll return in one week to meet your next challenge! And now, for our next contestant, welcome Simon Grimault!

Nino walks off the stage as Simon walks on stage. Nino comes back to us. Adrien and I fist bump him on his return.

Adrien: Awesome, dude!

Y/N: Yeah! Great beats, Nino.

Alec: Mr. Grimault, you are a hypnotist. You use cards to hypnotize people to get what you want from them!

Simon: Well, yes, I'm a hypnotist. But, uh, (plays with his card deck)I don't use my skills to get anything.

Alec: So, your challenge today, Simon, is to use your talents to bring a very elusive celebrity to this very TV set! (opens envelope)Give it up for the king of fashion, Gabriel Agreste!

My eyes widen at the sight of Adrien's dad on the screen behind Simon and Alec.

Gabriel: (annoyed)What is this show? I was told this was an interview.

Nino: (to Adrien)Dude, your dad!

Alec: (hastily)Do your thing, Grimault, let's see if you can bring Mr. Agreste here with your hypnotic persuasion!

Simon: (bothered)I told you, I don't make people --

Alec: Ha! A shy hypnotist! How funny is that, Gabriel?

Gabriel: (unamused)Hilarious. Your show is pathetic. And so is your contestant. Control me? Never.

Mr. Agreste ends the call, throwing everyone in the studio off guard. Adrien turns to us.

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