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Kylo Ren stood in front of a small, burning settlement on the sandy-oceanic planet of Savareen, his mask and garment covered in blood and ash. Kylo's mask fell to the ground as he deactivated his fiery red crossguard lightsaber in his hands and dropped to his knees, before cradling the dead corpse of his comrade, Zevdo Pill, in his arms.

"I'm sorry Zevdo..." Kylo muttered. "You've fought valiantly my friend... But it's time to rest now..." Kylo said as he closed Zevdo's eyelids, Kylo put his mask back on as he saw two Stormtroopers forcefully walking two Jedi, one male and one female, over to him. The Stormtroopers kicked the Jedi to their knees as they came face-to-face with Kylo Ren himself.

"So who talks first? You talk first? I talk first?" the male Jedi, Kenith Vancil, nervously said.

"Traitor..." Kylo mumbled to himself.

"Sorry, It's very hard to understand you because of your-" the female Jedi, Crystal, said before being interrupted by a Stormtrooper forcing her and Kenith to stand up.

"What do you want me to do with them sir?!" one of the Stormtroopers said.

"Put them on board." Kylo said before following the Stormtroopers who were bringing the Jedi into the shuttle.

"Where do ya want to go?" the shuttle's pilot said.

"Set course for Malu!" Kylo yelled. The shuttle then took off from the ground and jumped to hyperspace, heading to the fiery lava planet of Malu.

Malu looked far different than what it look like before the Battle of Malu. No Resistance workers remained on the planet, only the First Order occupied the planet. Kylo Ren's shuttle flew through the air and above multiple lava lakes before landing on a platform located in front of a tall and exquisite castle. This was the castle of Supreme Leader Snoke, leader of the First Order.

As soon as the shuttle landed, Kylo and two other Stormtroopers walked out of it. They followed Kylo until they got to the entrance, where Kylo told them, "Wait out here until I get back, and take those Jedi to Starkiller Base!"

"Yes sir!" one Stormtrooper said, before they both walked back in the shuttle and flew off into lightspeed.

The door opened. Kylo stepped inside. The castle was very dark once the door closed behind the dark warrior. Kylo ignited his lightsaber to illuminate the place with red light. From the looks of the castle, Kylo knew it was an ancient castle, possibly built by the ancient Sith thousands of years ago, during the time of the Old Republic.

Once Kylo stepped into the large throne room, he saw his master, Supreme Leader Snoke sitting on his throne with Cantor and General Hux in front of him. Kylo deactivated his lightsaber and bowed down in respect to his master.

"Ah! You're finally back from your mission to Savareen, my boy!" Snoke said. "Now, about Zevdo..."

"He didn't make it..." Kylo muttered.

Snoke sighed. "Oh... My condolences..." he said. "Now, about your new ally... The cyborg..."

Kylo tried to act like he didn't know who Snoke was talking about. He had never told his own master about his new recruit, Commander Xerox, mostly because he had never gotten the chance to. Kylo wanted to introduce Snoke to Xerox "What cyborg?" Kylo said.

"I've heard rumors... Rumors about your new and powerful ally currently within our ranks. Commander Xerox, isn't it?" Snoke said as Kylo stood back up. "Now tell me my boy... Who is Xerox?!" Snoke continued, slowly raising his voice. 

"Me..." a raspy voice said. Kylo Ren and Cantor looked back and saw a droid-like cyborg with black armor and cape walking out of the door. This was Commander Xerox. Alongside him was a young woman with straight brown hair and black armor. This was Aura, sister of the last Jedi, Jayden Visa.

"Sorry we were late, we had other business to deal with." Aura said.

"And you must be Commander Xerox... Right?" Snoke asked as he looked at Xerox.

"Yes... Supreme Leader..." Xerox muttered. He looked up at Xerox so he could speak more properly with him.

"He'll make a powerful ally to our legion! We'll be able track down Jayden Visa end the Jedi once and for all!" Cantor said.

"I agree, Cantor. Once we capture Jayden Visa, we must kill her at once!" Aura said.

"We plan to create a fleet containing thousands of scout droids!" Xerox spoke. "The Resistance and the Jedi will be outnumbered!"

"Our goal of killing the Jedi will be complete soon enough! My knights and I captured two Jedi on Savareen. We believe they are the ones who killed Zevdo Pill" Kylo Ren said as he looked directly at Snoke.

Snoke looked at Kylo. "Good. Now we must hunt down Jayden Visa next!"

"I believe that she may be secretly training an apprentice, Supreme Leader." Aura said.

"Who is this... apprentice?!" Snoke asked, angrily. Whoever Jayden's apprentice was, they all knew that he or she must be killed at once!

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