Chapter 4: Take Care Of Yourself

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Connor followed Jayden out of the shed. Something was wrong with her, Connor knew that it was something to do with the broadcast. Two Jedi were killed for treason against the First Order, it wouldn't be a coincidence if him or Jayden were done the same way. Connor knew that she didn't want to be executed just like those Jedi on the broadcast were.

"JAYDEN! WAIT!" Connor yelled. "I need to talk to you!"

Jayden quickly turned around. "You're coming with me, aren't you?" she asked.

"C-coming with you?" Connor stuttered. "What do you mean by that? Where are you going?!"

"It isn't safe here for us now. Those Jedi were murdered in cold blood to turn anyone watching that broadcast against us Jedi." Jayden said. "Which is why we have to go into exile now... Please join me..." she continued as she put her hand out.

Connor felt conflicted. His training has yet to be completed, he didn't want to quit just yet. But he understood that the galaxy isn't safe for any Jedi at this time, but there is no way he would go into exile, just not yet. "You've been a Jedi for almost your whole life! You can't just throw it all away like this!" Connor said.

"Kneel for me please." Jayden said. Connor kneeled on the ground as Jayden unhooked her lightsaber from her belt. She activated the sky-blue blade and placed it over Connor's shoulder.

"By the right of the Jedi and the will of the Force. You, Connor Jade Terranove, you are now a Jedi Knight!" Jayden said as she placed the lightsaber's blade over both of Connor's shoulders before deactivating the weapon. As Connor got up from the ground, Jayden put the lightsaber's hilt in Connor's hand, she wanted him to take it since she would be going into exile. After that, she kissed Connor on the cheek one last time.

"Take care of yourself, Jedi Knight." Jayden said before walking into the transport. The small shuttle's hatch began to close as it took off from the ground and flew away from D'Qar's atmosphere.

Connor stood watching. It was very painful to see his master, his lover, and the person he looked up to the most abandon him like that. Connor dropped to his knees and began crying. Draco, Oberon, Shira, and Aaron, his remaining companions noticed him crying on the ground. They walked up to Connor and began comforting him.

"It's okay kid." Draco said. 'We all lose people who are close to us. For me, I thought Oberon and Shira were gone back on Malu but... they're alive and well now. Maybe this will all turn out well and Jayden will come back."

"For Shira and I, it was our parents." Oberon said.

"For me, it was my parents I never knew. The First Order took me away from them before I became a Stormtrooper. I was raised to do one thing, and that was to kill! But I wasn't going to do that. So I defected and I met you guys. I never have been so happy in my life!" Aaron told Connor.

"Thank you all for the motivation..." Connor said in a sad tone. The Shield Squadron then all went inside the Razor to comfort Connor about his loss.

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