Chapter 5: Visions

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Connor sat on his bed in the Razor, alone and holding his lightsaber in his hands. Connor then began to hear something, or maybe someone, calling to him. It wasn't Oberon, Shira, Draco, or Aaron, as they were helping a Resistance trooper load crates out of a transport. Connor opened his door and walked through the hallway. He began to take notice that the sound was coming from Jayden's old room. The noise got louder as he headed towards Jayden's room. He opened the door, walked toward a drawer and opened it. The noise was coming from a box. Connor opened the box and saw Jayden's lightsaber inside. Connor slowly put his hand over the hilt of the saber before touching it.

Connor felt his surroundings suddenly change around him as he touched the lightsaber's hilt. He was now inside of an spaceport. Nobody was there, but him and a hooded figure.

"Jayden, You shouldn't be here." Connor said.

"Neither... should... YOU!" the figure yelled before they turned around and activated a red lightsaber. Connor stumbled to the ground in shock as he noticed who this was. It was Cantor! Connor's surroundings changed once again as the spaceport started to burn and TIE Fighters bombed surrounding areas.

"Cantor?! You're alive!" Connor said.

"Indeed I am..." Cantor responded.

"Th-The last time I saw you, you were-" Connor said before being interrupted.

"Burning? Yes. But not too badly..." Cantor said. Connor got up from the ground and activated his green lightsaber.

"Oh, You're a Jedi now!" Cantor said. "You will make a fine addition to our army!" Connor ran up to Cantor and tried to slash him with his lightsaber. Cantor dodged his attack and the two of them clashed sabers twice before Cantor stabbed Connor and force pushed him out a window.

Connor woke up on the floor of his room inside the Razor. But something was off. His room was empty. Connor then opened the door and walked out of his room. As he walked into the main area of the Razor, he saw the most horrifying thing he could ever see, the dead bodies of his friends, Draco, Oberon, Shira, and Aaron. The Shield Squadron were all dead. They were all slain by Cantor, who stood over Aaron's body, holding his red lightsaber.

"That pathetic traitor..." Cantor said, referring to Aaron before looking at Connor. "I knew I'd get my revenge some day and now here I am! ALL OF YOUR FRIENDS ARE DEAD AND THERE'S NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT!"

Connor observed his surroundings. "No." he said. "This is just a vision, a dream, a figment of my imagination. Nothing around me is real."

Cantor force pulled Connor towards him and grabbed his face. "You may not accept it but I assure you... I am very real!" he said before striking Connor down once more.

Connor then fell backward and heard a voice whispering in his head.

"Bonadan...." the voice whispered as the vision ended. Connor knew that 'Bonadan' could be the planet the Jayden went into exile at. Shira then opened the door to see Connor laying on the floor of Jayden's room.

"Connor? What are you doing in here?" Shira asked.

"I know where Jayden is..." Connor said.

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