Chapter 14: Shoot Your Shot

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Connor, Jayden, and Jiro ran up to the rest of their crew. They all gathered around each other and began waiting for someone to come get them out of this arena. Connor asked Draco "Do you think Oberon and Shira knows we are here?"

"I figure that they probably know we were in trouble." Draco replied. "Besides, they probably are on their way right now."

"Good. Now we can get outta this-" Talwo said, before being interrupted by the voice of Tamet Breuan, who came up from behind the crew.

"You are not going anywhere! NOT TODAY!" Tamet yelled. "Now let me speak to the leader of this band of rebels..." Connor was about to confront him, but Draco pushed him to the side and decided to go face-to-face with Breuan himself. "You know Draco Frierza... You got a lot of guts coming here, face-to-face with me."

Draco unholstered one of his blaster pistols.

"I want to kill you all here, but I think that would be too easy." Tamet said.

Draco grabbed his blaster out of its holster.

"No no no no no... I'm gonna take you and your crew to Commander Xerox myself and HE'LL KILL YOU!!! Brutally... and slowly..." Tamet said, in a sadistic tone. However, Draco didn't seem threatened. In fact, nobody did.

"I hope you're still paying attention Frierza. Because now I'm gonna-" That was the last thing Tamet would ever say. The last thing he ever heard was the sound of a blaster firing, and then everything went black. Tamet's lifeless body hit the ground. Tamet Breuan was dead. Draco Frierza had killed him. Draco then looked behind him and saw the Shield Squadron looking at him, shocked and surprised about what he had done.

"D-Did he j-just..." Aaron muttered, trembling in shock.

"He killed him!" Jackal yelled. "He actually killed him!"

 Draco then walked towards the crew and told them, "I did what I had to do."

Jayden wasn't happy. She walked up to Draco until they were face-to-face and she slapped him across the face. "What were you thinking?! We could've sorted this our ourselves!"

"Look! It was either him or us! One of us had to die!" Draco argued.

Just as Draco said that sentence, the Razor was seen gliding over the arena before it landed inside. Oberon Takin and Shira Daheli walked out. They seemed disgusted and horrified seeing the dead Rancors and henchmen on the ground.

"Oh my..." Shira whispered. "What happened here?"

"This place is a bloodbath!" Oberon said.

"I can explain!" Connor yelled as he ran towards the Razor. "We got captured."

"You got WHAT?!" Oberon screamed in anger and shock. "I thought we told you all not to talk to anyone suspicious or blow your cover!"

"Chill, Oberon." Shira said, she then looked at Connor. "Who captured you? Kylo Ren? Cantor?"

"It was some bounty hunters, I think." Connor said. "They captured us and took us here to be executed. My droid didn't make it..."

Oberon looked down in sadness before looking at the bloodbath that had happened here. "I see that you rebelled."

"Yeah, we did." Talwo said, walking up to the Razor.

"Excuse me, but who are you?" Shira asked.

"The name's Talwo. And who are you?" Talwo said.

"Oberon Takin." Oberon said, shaking hands with Talwo.

"Shira Daheli." Shira said, also shaking hands with Talwo. Shira then looked at Connor and whispered. "Do you know this guy?"

"I forgot to mention that we met some new recruits for our crew." Connor said. "That's Talwo right there. And the other guy is a Jedi, just like Jayden and I."

"You know, I actually used to know Jayden." Jiro said, walking up to the Razor. "I'm Jiro Daviand by the way." he continued. "And you must be Oberon Takin and Shira Daheli?"

"That would be correct." Oberon said.

"So, I think we should hurry up and get off this rock. Maybe get back to D'Qar and plan for our next adventure?" Oberon asked.

"Sure thing!" Shira said, walking aboard the ship.

Connor, Jiro, and Talwo looked back at Draco, Jackal, Jayden, and Aaron. "Are we ready?" Connor asked.

Jayden and the rest of the crew looked at each other and nodded, before following Connor, Jiro, and Talwo back into the ship. The Razor then took off from the ground and flew above Bonadan's city.

A Stormtrooper watched the Razor fly above from nearby. "Contact Kylo Ren, they're here with the Jedi..." he said. Little did the Shield Squadron know, they were now in grave danger.

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