Chapter 9: Do You Need A Drink?

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Commander Xerox stood from a mountaintop, his two scout drones were scanning and zooming in on the Shield Squadron, who were entering a bar. Two bounty hunters wearing blue and yellow helmets and armor stood by his side.

Xerox looked at the two bounty hunters and told them, "I want you to go down there and bring the Shield Squadron to me. And I want them alive!"

"Yes sir!" one of the bounty hunters said. "But what about the last Jedi, Jayden Visa?"

"Bring her to me as well, alive!" Xerox replied.

"Yes sir!" the other bounty hunter said as they walked away from Xerox.

Just like it looked on the outside, The bar wasn't fancy like those on Coruscant or Hosnian Prime. The bar was more small and unknown. Not many people were present, maybe just about five or six people. The people who were there were sitting at their seats, either drinking alcohol or smoking death sticks.

Connor, Aaron, AM-76, and Jackal walked into the bar. Connor felt uneasy being there. According to Jayden, the Jedi Code said it was prohibited to go out drinking or stuff like that. The owner of the bar, a green-skinned Nikto with yellow eyes and spikes on his forehead and over his eyes, looked and pointed at Connor.

"Hey! We don't serve their kind here!" the Nikto said.

"What?" Connor said, confused. Was he not allowed in there?

"Your droid, we don't serve droids here!" the Nikto replied.

Connor looked down at AM-76, who beeped in confusion. "I'm sorry AM, you aren't allowed in here. Go wait outside with Draco if you would like." he said. AM-76 beeped in sadness as he rolled outside of the bar.

The Nikto then looked at Jackal, he began to recognize her. "Jackal? Is that you?!" he said.

Jackal began to walk towards the counter. Aaron and Connor followed her. "Scaggs! Long time no see!" she said as she sat down and the counter, Aaron and Connor sat down as well. Jackal then shook hands with Scaggs. "How's Chorla and Kolba doing?" Jackal continued.

"They're doing fine. Athough.. Korba's been getting into trouble with the law. Overall, it's all good." Scaggs said. "By the way, Dino's doing alright isn't he?" he continued as he passed the trio cups of blue milk.

"I'm sorry?" Jackal asked, sipping her cup of blue milk.

"Captain Dino Druce is doing fine? Is he not?" Scaggs said.

"I'm afraid not, I've been informed some time ago that Captain Dino was killed about two years ago." Jackal said, with some sadness in her voice.

"Oh..." Scaggs sighed. "My condolences..." he said.

Connor stepped into the conversation. "I was there when it happened." he said. "We never really got to speak with one another but my lover, Jayden Visa got to speak with him. I only met Dino once. He seemed like a pretty nice and protective guy but other than that, we never really spoke."

Aaron then stepped into the conversation. "I was there too when it happened. I was interrogated by him once. I didn't really like him at first but now, I feel sad that he had to die." he said.

"Everything happened so fast." Connor said.

Scaggs sighed for a moment. This was followed by a long silence until Scaggs took a look and Connor and Aaron. he recognized them from somewhere. "You two... look familiar..." he said. "You look like spies that I hired and I offered Dino to recruit them."

"Oh, uh... We used to be spies for the New Republic before joining the Resistance!" Aaron said. Of course that was a lie. Connor was a New Republic pilot before joining the Resistance. And Aaron was once a a First Order Stormtrooper before his defection.

"Oh! So that's where I must have seen you two before!" Scaggs said. Scaggs looked at Jackal. "So, Jackal Antilles... Why have you just randomly showed up here on Bonadan after so many years?!" he said.

"I was just about to tell you.' Jackal said. "We are actually on a mission to find someone. And we think she may be somewhere around here."

"Ah! So who is this someone?" Scaggs said.

"It's my Jedi master, Jayden Visa." Connor replied. "She's the one that Captain Dino taked to before his death."

"Ah... So you're a Jedi huh?" Scaggs muttered.

"That would be correct." Connor said. "Anyways, have you seen her?"

"Indeed I have!" Scaggs said. "She actually came into this bar shortly before you guys showed up! She asked about where the nearest spaceport was and I told her that one was just a couple blocks away from here."

"Okay..." Connor muttered.

"So how do we get to this 'spaceport'?" Jackal asked.

"Go straight from here, take a left turn, and then you'll arrive at your destination." Scaggs said.

Jackal, Connor, and Aaron stood up from their seats. "It's been nice seeing you Scaggs." Jackal said.

"It's been nice seeing you too." Scaggs replied, shaking hands with Jackal once again. "I hope we all see one another again sometime.

"You too!" Aaron replied as the trio walked out of the bar, meeting up with Draco and AM-76 once again.

"So, what did they say?" Draco asked.

"So my friend Scaggs said that we need to go to a spaceport that isn't too far from here." Jackal said.

"And this will be where we'll find Jayden?" Draco asked again.

"Hopefully..." Aaron muttered.

"What do ya mean by 'hopefully', kid?" Draco said.

"Well, what if Jayden has already found her transport and left this place?" Aaron said. "And then all our hope will be lost..."

"Don't do that." Connor said.

"Do what?" Aaron asked.

"Anything!" Connor said, slightly agitated.

"I'm sorry about that." Aaron said. 

The trio began to walk toward the nearest spaceport. Little did they know that two bounty hunters wearing blue and yellow armor and helmets were following them from a far distance. But it was far enough to track their movements.

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