Chapter 3: The Broadcast

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Connor Terranove, Aaron Obyonek, and Jayden Visa all walked out of the forest on D'Qar. As they walked back toward the Resistance base, they saw the Razor land on a landing spot. The Razor was slightly on fire, more less non fire and slightly charred. Resistance troopers carrying extinquishers ran toward the Razor so they could put out the fire. The trio ran towards Oberon, Shira, and Draco, who were exiting the ship as the troopers put out the fires on the Razor.

Jayden ran up to Oberon. "What did you do to the ship?!" she yelled.

Oberon had a hard time speaking, "Well um... after we loaded the cargo... The First Order happened to find us!"

"Anything else?!" Connor asked.

"A TIE shot the cannons and they were stuck in forward position and we had to escape." Draco responded.

"Did you destroy all of them?" Jayden asked the crew, minus Connor and Aaron.

"All except for about two or three." Shira responded. 

"Did you learn more about the spy?" Connor asked.

"No, but where's Aaron?" Shira asked.

Connor and Jayden looked behind them to see Aaron speaking with another Resistance trooper a few feet away. What they are saying was inaudible. But it was clear that the Shield Squadron were probably assigned to another mission or a meeting was about to go on.

"Alright, Got it." Aaron told him before that trooper then ran back to where he needed to be. Aaron then ran towards the rest of his crew. "Sorry to bother your conversation, but General Leia needs you all." he said. "Can't tell you why, but we need to hurry." Without haste, all six members of the Shield Squadron headed towards one of the main sheds within the base. It was extremely crowded in there. It was almost like everyone who was station at the Resistance base on D'Qar was there.

"This doesn't look good..." Connor whispered in Jayden's ear.

"I don't think it does either." Jayden said. "With everyone here, it's got to be something major."

"Someone important probably died-" Draco said before being interrupted by Shira.

"DRACO!" Shira angrily whispered, gritting her teeth.

"Sorry." Draco responded. As the six members of the Shield Squadron gathered around the briefing table, they saw General Leia Organa standing around the table with a worried expression on her face.

"You're just in time..." Leia said. "The First Order is forcing everyone in the galaxy to watch this broadcast..."

"Uh oh..." Aaron nervously whispered.

Leia then turned on the hologram. There, they saw Captain Phasma standing on a stage with what appeared to be a laser guillotine next to her. Kylo Ren, Aura, and Cantor were all standing behind her, All of this was being broadcasted across the galaxy from Starkiller Base to other planets, such as Lothal, Coruscant, Hosnian Prime,  Rithneu, Nar Shaddaa, Bespin, Naboo, and D'Qar, where the Resistance were watching.

"Attention citizens of the galaxy." Phasma started. "This is a warning message to any surviving Jedi. "

Those words were burned into the memories of Jayden and Connor's minds. "Surviving Jedi..." they both whispered to themselves. Everyone in the briefing room looked at the two of them before going back to watching the broadcast.

"You are being forced to watch this broadcast because we need everyone to understand that Jedi are evil and a threat to the First Order. They will grow in numbers soon enough. And they will be unstoppable to our fleet. That is why we have captured... them!" Phasma pointed to two Jedi, one male, and one female. Jayden recognized them! She had trained alongside them at Luke Skywalker's academy. 

"Kenith... Crystal..." Jayden whispered to herself.

Two Stormtroopers brought Kenith Vancil , a surviving Jedi, towards Phasma. And they held him to the guillotine and locked his hands and feet in cuffs.

"On my command!" Phasma yelled. The two Stormtroopers activated the laser above Kenith's head. He looked in horror as saw the laser activate. He looked at Crystal, being held in handcuffs by Stormtroopers in the corner away from them. Kenith knew that this could be the last time they'd ever see each other. 

"Your death will be painless..." Phasma whispered to Kenith before starting her countdown. "5... 4... 3..." Phasma began.

As the countdown went on, a Stormtrooper lightly put his fingers on the buttons to quickly lower the laser of the guillotine to kill Kenith.

"2... 1..." Phasma ended the countdown. The Stormtrooper then rapidly mashed the buttons once. Quickly lowering the laser. Within less than a second, the laser beam sliced through the back of Kenith's neck, which separated his head from the rest of his body, decapitating him. Kenith Vancil was dead.

"Kenith.. No!" Jayden whispered. She then looked at Leia. "Turn it off!" Jayden yelled. Leia quietly turned off the transmission. Soon after, everyone in the Resistance began talking to each other about what had happened. It was truly horrifying. Jayden didn't stay to talk. She left the shed. As Connor was talking with Aaron, he noticed Jayden walking out. Connor followed her.

"Hey! Wait!" Aaron yelled. Draco then walked towards Aaron.

"You seen that right?" Draco said, shocked.

"Yeah... Very scary..." Aaron said, nervously.

Meanwhile, the broadcast was still going on at Starkiller Base. As soon as Crystal saw Kenith being decapitated by the guillotine, she screamed "KENITH!!!! NO!!!!" as she angrily broke free from her handcuffs and used the Force to grab her lightsaber. Once she grabbed the weapon, she ignited it, the blue blade shined as Crystal swung at two Stormtroopers, cutting off their arms. She then pointed her lightsaber at Phasma's neck.

"How cute." Phasma said. Frozen in fear, Crystal heard another lightsaber activate. a fiery red crossguard lightsaber. It was Kylo Ren. Crystal then turned and saw Kylo about to slash her. She then blocked the attack and clashed sabers with Kylo.

"You do want to duel, Don't you..." Kylo said.

"Maybe I do!" Crystal yelled. "You all killed Kenith!"

As Crystal pushed Kylo Ren away and continued their duel. A Stormtrooper in the distance ran towards Crystal and shot her four times in the back and twice in the arm, injuring her and causing her to fall onto the floor of the stage She also dropped her lightsaber on the floor. Kylo deactivated his lightsaber as a Forcetrooper walked up to her lying on the floor.

"So... This is what it feels like..." Crystal said in a weak and raspy voice.

"To die?!" The Forcetrooper said as he activated his white lightsaber. He then pointed his lightsaber above Crystal's chest and lowered it there until it impaled her skin and then the stage. The Forcetrooper then deactivated his lightsaber and stood up. He was done.

"As I said before..." Phasma said to the crowd and whoever was still watching across the galaxy. "This is a message to any surviving Jedi. Turn yourselves over to the First Order. Otherwise, you will end up like them. Also, a message to the Resistance and the New Republic. We havea new ally that I feel you will be very, very afraid of...."

The red curtain showing the emblem of the First Orderopened, revealing an army of drones and scout droids. a droid-like cyborg with black plating walked out of it. This was Commander Xerox.

"Resistance! New Republic! Meet Commander Xerox, our new ally. Any words from you? Phasma said before looking at Xerox.

"Once our army is complete! We will dispatch them across the galaxy. Executing anyone not loyal to the First Order! The Resistance and the Republic will fall!" Xerox yelled as Kylo, Cantor, and Phasma walked back into backstage. Xerox then followed after his speech. The broadcast was done.

Laying on the stage, Crystal's vision went black as she slowly died there, alone on the stage.

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