Chapter 6: Jackal Antilles

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"Come on... Come on... Come on..." Draco muttered as he was concentrating on a game of dejarik that he was playing with Oberon and Aaron. The match lasted for several more seconds until Draco was beaten by Aaron.

"You're getting better kid." Draco said, shaking hands with Aaron.

"You too." Aaron responded.

Connor and Shira came out of the hallway and into the Razor's main area. Draco then turned off the holochess table, got up from the couch and walked up to Connor and Shira.

"So, what's going on?" Draco asked.

"There's something I need to tell General Organa.... I know where Jayden is and she may be in danger." Connor said. Aaron and Oberon got out of their seats and ran up to Connor once he said all that.

"Wait, how do you-" Aaron said before Connor interrupted him.

"We don't have time for any questions! We need to head to the command center at once!" Connor said.

The Shield Squadron exited the Razor and walked to the command center. There,  General Leia Organa stood alone at the briefing table. She looked up and saw the Shield Squadron walk towards her.

"Oh. Do you all need something?" Leia asked.

"Connor has something to tell you." Shira responded.

"Go ahead." Leia said.

"I had a vision. Just like the one Jayden had after Quasar was destroyed. But this time, I saw Jayden in a spaceport. But then she turned around and everything changed. Cantor appeared and everything burned around me. Then I saw Cantor kill my friends aboard our ship before he killed me!" Connor said.

"If you saw Cantor in your vision, does that mean he's still alive?!" Aaron asked, shocked.

"But that would be impossible! I killed him back on Malu!" Connor yelled, surprised.

"How is seeing Cantor in your vision related to knowing where Jayden is?" Oberon asked.

"Well, by the end of my vision, I heard someone whisper something, a name to be exact, the voice whispered, 'Bonadan'." Connor said, he then looked at Leia. "My father went to a planet called Bonadan when I was very young. Maybe Bonadan could be the planet where Jayden is hiding out on."

"Ah... Bonadan. That used to be my home planet you know." a female voice said. Everyone looked to see a young woman who looked to be in her mid twenties emerging from the darkness behind the briefing table. She had brown hair, tan skin, a green jacket, white shirt, and brown pants and boots. "I grew up there with my grandfather.: the woman continued.

"Who are you?" Aaron asked.

"The name's Jackal Antilles." the woman said. "Leader of the Hurricane Squadron."

"I've heard about you. You helped fight the First Order in the Battle of Tython." Connor said as he walked up to Jackal. "You were a very influentual fighter in that battle." he said as he shook hands with Jackal.

"So kid... I suppose you needed help with finding something?" Jackal said.

"Someone, to be exact." Oberon said, correcting Jackal.

"Okay, who is this person you have trouble locating?" Jackal asked.

Connor sighed. "My master, Jayden Visa." he said in a sad tone.

Jackal looked on Connor's belt, noticing the hilt on a lightsaber on his belt. "So you're a Jedi huh?" she said. "I never thought I'd see the day when I would get to meet one. A rare sighting indeed."

"Jackal. Since you grew up on Bonadan maybe you can help us find Jayden there?" Connor asked.

"Listen, I do not know who Jayden is, but I do know a guy who does." Jackal responded.

Draco stepped into the conversation. "Well can you take us to this 'guy'?" he said.

"I can try." Jackal said. "I don't know if he still resides on Bonadan though."

Leia then looked at Jackal. "Alright. I'm sending you and the Shield Squadron to the planet Bonadan. I hope you are all able to find Jayden safely." Leia said.

"I hope we can too." Shira responded. 

Leia then looked at Connor. "Connor, Take your droid with you. He may be helpful on your mission." Leia said.

Connor then saw a round red, white and blue astromech droid rolling up to him, beeping in happiness. this was AM-76, Connor's droid. Connor smiled at the small droid and pat him on its head.

Just as Jackal and the rest of the Shield Squadron began to walk out of the command center Leia called Connor's name. Connor was slightly startled by this. He turned around and looked at Leia.

"May the Force be with you, Connor Jade Terranove." Leia said. Connor stood there smiled at her just before he walked away with the rest of the Shield Squadron towards the Razor.

The hunt for the missing Jedi, Jayden Visa had begun.

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