Chapter 1: When Will My Life Begin?

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7:00 Am

The moment the sunlight cast it's golden light across John's bed his eyes shot open and an equally bright smile grew on his face. "Today's the day!" he proclaimed to the empty room as he sat up in bed running out to the opposing bedroom "Madison! Wake up! Everything has to be perfect for me to ask Dad and that includes you being awake!" He jumped on the large lump in the bed getting a loud groan in response from James Madison, his caretaker. "Jooooohn...why are you even bothering? You ask for the same thing every year, and every year he says no" the older man poked his head out of the sheets groaning at the time on the clock and tried to turn back into bed only to have John yank the sheets off.

John grinned leaning over "yes but this year will be different! Not every year do I turn 18! Plus, you heard him last time! This year is a very special year and we should celebrate it! So maybe the surprise is he's taking me out and I won't even need to ask!"

Madison rolled his eyes pushing John up sitting up, he already knew the sad truth " know he won't it's too dangerous, but if you want to try again I won't stop you...let's get started, I get the first bath" John simply smiled and headed off to cook breakfast, while he cooked he swept around the kitchen and living room humming softly. He didn't stop cleaning until every inch of their home was clean, making everything perfect for his dad's arrival.

He looked at the clock and groaned, only 7:15.

Hours later, John was pacing around nervously second-guessing if he should ask, what his Dad would say, what he could do to pass the time more. He already made breakfast, ate, baked a bunch of sweets, read 3 books, and painted another turtle on the wall. Madison was sitting in his chair waiting patiently for John to eventually slip into his usual acceptance of boredom.

Every day trapped in repeat, the same 3 books, the same routine, same slip into hopelessness sitting in front of Madison handing him the brush which he took and started brushing just like every single day for the past 18 years. It used to be Dad and John, but when John turned 10 Dad brought Madison in to keep him company, and probably to make sure John never left.

There was something very unusual about John. He had freckles all over his slight tan skin, curious green eyes, and long blond hair. And by long, like 70 feet long according to the last time Madison measured it. His hair held a very special power, the power to heal, and if it got cut then the strand would lose the power. John knew he had to protect his hair because Dad and Madison needed to stay alive.

Dad would love to hear John sing, he said because of his singing the magic made Dad very happy and a happy dad meant protection and love. He risked so much going out in the world when it was so unsafe, and it was the least John could do to heal him when he returned with food and paint supplies.

John walked over to the window and looked down at what little he could see from high above in the tower. He closed his eyes enjoying the breeze, taking a moment to imagine what it would be like to be out there, to feel the grass, or just to be anywhere other than this tower.

A while later, John was finishing up washing dishes from lunch when he heard the sing-song voice of Dad's call "oh Joooooohn, let down your hair birthday boy I have your surpriiiiise!" John quickly set the plate aside and ran over to the window calling down "Coming Dad!" Quickly he hooked his hair on a hook and lowered his long strands of hair.

Quickly he pulled the tall man up the side of the tower until his figure stepped into the house "Well what did I miss?"

John beamed in delight and hugged him "welcome home dad!", over John's shoulder Madison nodded his head politely "Welcome home Thomas." Thomas patted John's head lightly walking off looking around inspecting "as if I could be away on such an important day, though apparently I was the only one to remember seeing the house I provide you to be in such a condition."

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