Chapter 12: This is the story of how I died

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John cried out as Alex clutched his side falling, Jefferson shot him right between the ribs. John thrashed and struggled to try to get to him. "You see John? I'm always cleaning up after you. Now let's go, our secret will die with him." He walked up to John taking the chain and tried to pull him towards the door. "Stop fighting me, John!" Jefferson yelled pulling harder, John teared up and fought harder, managing to get the gag out "No! I will always keep fighting I will always try to get away!... But..." He paused and looked at Alex who was struggling to get up and go after them, to protect John. He gave Alex a sad look before looking up at Jefferson "If you let me heal him...then I will go with you, I won't fight or try to get away...we can be together, forever, just like you wanted...just let me heal him"

For a moment Jefferson looked at John, and after a moment he dropped the chain took John's handcuffs off and put them on Alex chaining him. Alex glared at Jefferson who stepped aside allowing John to come up.

"A-Alex! I...I-I'm so sorry, it's going to be okay I can fix this, I...I can fix this."

"J-John...John can't do'll die if you go with him" He reached up putting his non-bloody hand on John's cheek trying his best to hide the pain.

"B-but if I don't then you'll die..." John teared up and continued to press his hair against the wound and took a breath to start to sing.


He looked up at Alex, pressing against his hand softly, suddenly Madison came over quickly grabbing a handful of John's hair and cut through it with a knife. John gasped in shock at his now brown shoulder-length hair and watched as the rest of what was his hair turn brown.

"NO!" Jefferson screamed trying to grab at the blond strands in his hands and cried out as he saw his skin start to age "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!"

He glared at Madison and pulled the gun out with a shaky hand as he was rapidly aging. Madison and Alex flinched back as a shot rang out. They looked up to see John standing rigid in front of Jefferson who looked at John shocked as blood started seeping through the back of John's shirt and he fell to Jefferson's feet clutching his chest.

Madison roared with anger and charged pushing Jefferson out of the window to his death, then turned to John and carefully picking him up and placed him into Alex's weak arms. Alex cried softly holding him "J-John w-why...why would you do that y-you could have been...been free."

John looked up at Alex and smiled softly "I...I could hardly call it a life...without you in least this way...we...we can...go together" He coughed, a little clinging to Alex taking shaky breaths but still smiled softly.

" were my new dream" Alex said softly running a hand softly at John's cheek, John teared up taking hold of his hand "a-and you were mine..."

Slowly, Alex's hand and body went limp. John looked at Alex as more tears ran down "A-Alex?" When he didn't respond he broke into a sob feeling at his cheek trying to get him to wake "d-don't leave without me...please...please...I...I love you" Gently, John pressed his lips against Alex's. After a moment he pulled away and leaned against Alex's shoulder. Softly, John tried to sing, holding onto Alex's hand " Flower, be free and glow...Let your power shine...Return what they have took...Bring back what...what once... was mine...once...was mine." John's body went limp, Madison broke into tears watching as they laid dead in each other's arms.

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