Chapter 6: Fraunces Tavern

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**Author's Note: This was a lot of fun to write though most of it was just rewording "I Got A Dream" from Tangled, ENJOOOOOOY!!**

John looked at the brick building in the middle of the woods curiously "Fraunces Tavern?" Lin shrugged "Of course, low key, good atmosphere, quality food, you can't get any better than this."

He grinned before slamming the door open "Your finest table please!"

Suddenly at least 30 eyes turned right to John and Lin at the table, the inside run down and filled with men who looked like they could lift the tower. Bulging muscles, scars, missing parts, many of them making low creature-like growls. John tensed up in fear looking at all of them sticking very close to Lin and shot him a glare "The deal's off if we die in here! Why would you bring me into someplace like this??"

Lin walked around casually with a mischievous grin "what are you talking about Blondie? This is the highest quality establishment, if you really can't handle this then maybe it would be better to head back."

John went to retort but yelped when someone grabbed his hair, he quickly swept it close as best as he could looking around nervously as they started to walk over, curious about the new pair.

Lin was enjoying himself immensely when there was a sudden hand on his shoulder "hold on men, is this Lin Miranda? His head is priced at $1,000, wonder what they'd give if he's brought in alive." The man was massive, his hands large gripping onto Lin's shoulder tightly. Lin's grin quickly dropped "What? No? Who's this Miranda guy? I'm just here bringing my friend along for some food and drink and we'll be on our way-!!" Suddenly a sword was pressed against his neck as a tall man grinned speaking in a french accent "Non, you are correct Hercules, mon ami, this is the man the kingdom wishes to see lose his head. I would say aim for more but I can accept $1,000 instead of taking my chances."

The Frenchman tried to swing his sword towards Lin's neck, quickly he ducked but was grabbed by other men trying to grab him yelling and fighting over who would take him and get the money. One man running out to find some guards


Suddenly a splash of beer hit the back of the large man and a few others.

Everyone froze as John's voice rang out "You can't take him! I need him to help me see the golden turtles and help me have a perfect day in the world for the first time! It's been my dream all of my life! Have any of you ever even had a dream once?!"

The large man quickly turned glaring, slowly approaching John. Everyone froze, waiting to witness the murder that was probably about to happen.

John backed up nervously as the man loomed over him leaning in close.

"...I had a dream...once."

He moved aside taking off his coat and sighed at the soaked in beer as he started to sing

"I'm malicious, mean, and scary, my sneer could curdle dairy, and violence-wise my hands aren't quite the cleanest. But despite I'm quite withdrawn and my temper and my brawns, I've always yearned to be a tailor's apprentice." He smiled softly taking out a rag washing it off "Can't you just see me in my shop creating dresses, adding all kinds of jewels until they gleam. Yep, I'd rather be called deadly for my killer fashion trending. 'Cause way down deep inside I've got a dream"

The men smiled breaking into song joining him singing along "He's got a dream! He's got a dream!"

The man grinned, putting a hand gently on John's shoulder. "See, I ain't as cruel and vicious as I seem! Though I do like breaking femurs, you can count me with the dreamers. Like everybody else, I've got a dream!"

The Frenchman jumped up on the table grabbing everyone's attention "I'm from France and I have bruises, fighting for a side that loses, and threw me out of war for being different. But despite my high kill count, and my bravery, and my accounts. I really want to make it with my love interest! See, I find love in both men and lovely ladies, but my heart caught on a man's well-tailored seam. Though I'm a very ruthless fighter, I'm a lover, so hold your laughter 'cause way down deep inside I've got a dream!" He jumped off the table beaming happily dancing around with the man and John singing along with the group.

"I've got a dream! He's got a dream! I've got a dream! He's got a dream!"

The Frenchman beamed happily raising a glass of beer "And I know one day romance will reign supreme! Though my sword leaves people screaming, there's a child behind it dreaming. Like everybody else, I've got a dream!"

"Maria Reynolds would like to divorce her abusive husband, Angelica wants to fight for women's rights. Peggy's into mime, Eliza's cupcakes are sublime, King George knits, George Eacker sews,  Phillip does little puppet shows, And Washington collects ceramic unicorns!"

While the men were all singing and dancing, Lin was watching in absolute confusion "did we just become a musical or something?"

Everyone froze and looked at him glaring "What's your dream?"

Lin let out a laugh crossing his arms "Yeah no, isn't going to happen, boys, I don't sing,"
Suddenly a bunch of swords was pointed at him, Lin sighed and joined in.

"I have dreams like you, no really, just much less touchy-feely. They mainly happen somewhere warm and sunny. Far from the island that I've known, in the land I call my home. Surrounded by enormous piles of money!"

John beamed happily joining in the song "I've got a dream! I've got a dream! I just want to see the Golden Turtles gleam! And with every passing hour, I'm so glad I left my tower! Like all you lovely folks, I've got a dream!"

They all sang and danced happily, a few guzzling down beer and throwing things. John smiled happily hugging the Frenchman and the large man, who introduced themselves as Lafayette and Hercules. Their celebration froze when the door suddenly slammed open as a voice rang out


Entangled ~ Lams RapunzelTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon