Chapter 9: Who Knows Best

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"Hello, John" Jefferson walked out of the shadows, his hair slightly greying and deflated. "D-dad? did you find me-?!" John tensed as he was pulled into probably the coldest hug. "Oh it was easy dear, I followed the trail of betrayal, now enough of this nonsense, we are going home." He started to pull John away but he pulled his hand away saying firmly "No dad! I...I met someone and he's taking me to see the golden turtles in New York Kingdom."

Jefferson went still and raised an eyebrow "Oh? So John thinks he knows what's best now huh? You are a naive child who is in over his head. Do you think he cares about you? Please, I could probably bribe him with a $10 bill, he is only after one thing and it wouldn't be this" He motioned at John running a hand cruelly through his hair "just look at you, you think he is interested in you at all? He's in it for one thing" Jefferson pulled out Alex's bag pressing it into John's hands "This is the only thing he's after and you are foolish to believe otherwise, just give it to him, I guarantee he'll run away just like that." He snapped his fingers and started walking off, John teared up confused and hurt "D-dad wait!"

"If you aren't gon' listen to disciplined dissidents, this is the difference, this dad is out!"

And with that, Jefferson disappeared into the dark of the night leaving John confused and hurt. He never wanted to hurt his dad like that but the way Jefferson spoke like he never wanted to see John again. His thoughts were interrupted when he heard Alex approaching. Quickly he stashed the bag away and sat back down as Alex came back with an armful of firewood.

The whole night John tossed and turned restlessly and ended up curled up in a cocoon of his hair and eventually fell asleep until he was awoken the next morning to Alex screaming. Bolting up I was surprised to see the man Alex called Burr dragging Alex away.

Quickly John ran up with the pan "Put him down!"

Burr looked at John annoyed recognizing him from yesterday "sir, I could have you arrested as well for helping this criminal. Now back away, I am doing my job and I am taking him into custody."

"No! Please! I need him to take me to see the turtles! He's the only person I got...please...I...I can make a bargain with're after him because he took the jewels right? If you let him take me to the turtles I will give you the crown and you can go back to chasing each other to your heart's content...just please...let him go..." John looked at Burr begging and slowly put on an innocent smile "it's also my birthday....just so you know". After a moment Burr abruptly let Alex's foot go and sighed. "Fine...but only for the crown, but I am not leaving your side Miranda" Burr glared watching Alex.

John smiled softly "thank you, Mr. Burr, sir. Now, my name is John and this is Alexander or you know him by his criminal name Lin Miranda. He's helping me go see the turtles as a sort of birthday present and in return get the crown back. So no getting each other arrested, and no fighting okay?"

Burr sighed "fine...but just know I am only doing this because you remind me of my daughter..that and I will do anything to get that crown back."

John nodded understanding smiling hugging Burr "thank you! I never had so many birthday gifts and it's just the morning! I've never even been to New York Kingdom before"

Burr looked at John, surprised by the comment and contact "Really? Well...New York Kingdom is pretty incredible, and one of the greatest kingdom in the world. I guess I can help you check it out...keep some guards off your backs but as soon as your birthday is over I am taking the crown and Mir-um...Alexander..into custody."

John nodded "alright, thank you though, for letting him help me, I really do appreciate it. And in thanks maybe I could paint something for your daughter or I can bake really well?"

There was something about John that had Burr confused, he had a lot of resemblance to the lost prince but what were the chances?

They got themselves ready for the big day and headed toward New York Kingdom.

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