Chapter 7: Secrets Revealed

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All eyes turned, people concealing John and Lin behind them as a man walked in. His eyes scanned the room quickly and meticulously "I will turn over every inch of this room until I find him." A bunch of guards quickly filtered into the room.

Lafayette held a finger to his lips leading John and Lin out a hidden entrance leading to a cave system under the tavern.

Once they were a little way down the cavern, John looked at Lin who looked relieved to be out of there "Who was that?" He asked, seeing Lin's face twist with slight unease and uncertainty.

"Captain Aaron Burr...he's had it out for me for a while...I'd rather not talk about it though I do want to talk about what happened back there, I mean, it was crazy like we hoped into so musical or something! And were pretty incredible."

He smiled softly, causing John to blush darkly tucking a strand of hair behind his ear "W-well...I just...didn't want them to hurt you...I know I'm blackmailing you to do all this for me but...I do really appreciate it...even though you so were trying to scare me taking me to that Tavern, how does it feel to have your plan backfire on you again?" John teased giving Lin's shoulder a playful shove causing the other to break into a chuckle.

"Have to say this has definitely been one of my lesser days, normally that smolder thing always works, guess you have some sort of superpower, huh?"

John froze in his steps watching Lin walk ahead a few feet "Weeeeell...?" He was interrupted by his thoughts when he heard the sound of running footsteps coming from behind them. A glow of another lantern started to approaching quick. John gasped picking up his hair and started running grabbing Lin's hand "This way!"

What happens next is probably the craziest fight scene any of the participating parties have ever been a part of.

John and Lin ran to the end of the tunnel quickly finding themselves corned at the edge of the cliff that opened up to an abandoned dam and mining area and was quickly surrounded by a bunch of palace guards and Aaron Burr, all glaring daggers at Lin pulling out swords.

Lin started to sweat a little nervously "wow they really hate me"

Everyone got distracted when two people broke through a separate mine opening below them and glared up at Lin.

John shot a glance at Lin "who's that?!"

Lin looked around trying to find a way out "The Leebury duo, they hate me too. Pretty much everyone here hates me."

John noticed a way out, he handed Lin the frying pan and threw his hair on a protruding beam and swung over.

Lin watched in amazement before Aaron lunged towards him with a sword that Lin deflected with the pan. All the guards rushed and with just swinging around the pan Lin knocked out all the guards, he whooped in excitement "This was the strangest thing I've ever done! I gotta get me one of these!"

In his distraction, Aaron knocked the pan out of Lin's hand sending it clattering to the ground far below with a clatter. Lin let out a nervous laugh before feeling John's hair whip around his wrist. He shot Aaron a dirty grin before jumping off the ledge swinging down grabbing the pan landing in a sprint from the Leebury duo.

John quickly joined beside him running, hearing what sounded like an explosion behind them as the dam broke releasing a wall of water. A rock tower falling towards them, they spotted a mine shaft and ran into it right as the tower fell trapping them in it but letting the water rush in filling the small space.

Lin's breath quickly picked up as he struggled to find a way out, John watched in fear trying to find any way out. "T-there has to be a way out! There always was!" Lin distressed, managing to cut his hand painfully on a sharp rock. John recognized he was having a panic attack and quickly wrapped him in a hug like Madison would do. He held him shaking tearing up "Lin...Lin there...there's no use...we wouldn't be in this mess if I hadn't left my tower...I-I'm so sorry Lin..."

John's closeness eased a little of Alex's fear, he held onto him watching the water rise up and accepted this was it.


John looked at him confused "W-what?"

"Alexander Hamilton...that's my real name...figures no point keeping it a secret can call me Alex if you want" He smiled softly as John broke into a small laugh "Alexander Hamilton? I like that a lot more than Lin Miranda...I...I have magic hair that glows when I sing."

Alex did a double-take "What?"

John's eyes grew wide "I...I have magic hair that glows when I sing!!" He quickly started singing as the water rose up. Suddenly the cave was flooded with light as John's hair glowed leading to a small hole water was escaping from. Desperately they dug at the stones until the water and rocks gave out, shooting them out of the cave.

John dragged himself out onto the shore of the river they fell into gasping for air and beamed happily "We made it!"

Alex came up beside him, his eyes still wide "I-it glows?! W-why does it glow?! His hair glows when it sings?! W-Why does it do that?!"



John smiled softly offering him a hand up "It doesn't just glow..."

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