Chapter 11: I am the lost Prince

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It was close to 20 minutes before John spotted any movement as a figure walked back towards him. He sighed in relief "I knew you wouldn't run away with" John dropped off as the figure became two.

Lee came up smirking with Samuel by his side "He did"

John shook his head in disbelief "N-no he...he wouldn't!"

Lee shrugged stepping aside "see for yourself"

John looked over towards the water and felt his heart break seeing Alex on a boat heading towards the Kingdom with the crown in his hand "A-Alex..." He jumped when he felt Lee run a hand through his hair, "Seems like a fair trade, the crown for the guy with the magic hair, bet we could sell you for a million crowns."

"No!" John quickly grabbed the pan and whacked Lee hard in his side and ran. He could hear the two right behind him, he looked out at the water feeling so hurt. How could Alex trade him off like that?

He thought Alex...was he the only one that had those feelings?...but on the boat they almost...

In his distraction, he tripped on a log and quickly struggled to get up, scared, hearing the duo approaching but then heard the sound of fighting and then silence.


John hesitantly went back the way he ran to see Jefferson with his cane in hands, breathing panicked, standing over the two. He gasped in relief and ran to his side "A-are you alright? I was afraid that man would hurt you and saw what he did and these two attack? We should go before they come to" Jefferson checked him all over while John quietly assured him he was okay...they weren't the ones that hurt him.

John looked back out at Alex, he thought that maybe for a moment he had something good, a happy ending, or even a new dream. He felt tears slip down his face as he turned back to Jefferson and broke into a sob and ran to him hugging him tightly "Y-you were right... t-the world is cruel a-and bad...and I-I never should have left my tower..."

John broke, clinging to Jefferson as he led them back to the tower. John barely batted an eye or muttered a word as they walked up the internal stairs of the tower or even when Jefferson asked him to sing for him. While John sang his song so sadly Jefferson walked along the hair to the figure laying on Madison's bed. After he finished, John walked up to his room and curled up on the bed while Jefferson probably talked to Madison. John laid in bed restlessly, not bothering to eat dinner or even change clothes.

He was in the same position he landed in by morning. Madison quietly came over sitting by his side, Jefferson on the other side watching as Madison took out every flower out and brushed through his hair softly.

" it never happened" Jefferson muttered after John's hair was back to normal "now, let's put this whole disaster behind us. I'll even make mac and cheese for lunch to mark the occasion." He walked out without a care in the world. John was hollow while Madison glared as the taller man left the room. Once he was out of earshot Madison got on the bed and held him whispering softly "John...what happened out there? What happened with Lin?"

For a while, John just let fresh tears run down before he told Madison everything. How he fell in love with Alex who in turn broke his heart. Madison started to ask about the kingdom, pressing to wonder what he saw, what they did. John curled up more into Madison's hold feeling confused "I-it's so strange almost felt like...that place...the turtles like they were just...meant for me to be a part of..."

Madison looked over at the door, hearing Thomas fiddling in the kitchen "I need to tell you a's very important you listen." John nodded softly sitting up listening, not sure why now Madison was suddenly in a storytelling mood.

Madison began "It starts with the sun...once upon a time a single drop of sunlight fell from the heavens and from this small drop of sun grew a magic, golden flower. It had the ability to heal the sick and injured. This drop was discovered by an old man who used the flower for himself, hiding it from the world. Centuries passed and there grew a kingdom, ruled by a beloved King and Queen. The Queen was about to have a baby, but she got really sick and she was running out of time...that's when people start looking for a miracle. Or in this case, a golden flower. Now, that old man from before, he hoarded the healing power, keeping himself young for hundreds of years by just singing a special song. One night, the king's men found the flower and took it to the Queen. The magic of the golden flower healed the queen...and a healthy baby boy was born with beautiful golden-hair and to celebrate his birth, the King and Queen released golden turtles into the water surrounding the kingdom...and for that moment, everything was perfect and then that moment ended..."

John's eyes grew wide as he realized what Madison was saying. Slowly he got up from the bed and looked around the room feeling it spin and asked shakily "w-what happened to the baby?"

Madison watched and continued "the old man broke into the castle and stole the child, just like that...gone. The Kingdom searched and searched but couldn't find the Prince. But deep in the a hidden tower...and the old man raised the child as his own."

John looked at Madison saying softly "..I'm the lost Prince"

There was a sound of a pot falling to the ground, Jefferson standing there amongst the fallen noodles glaring darkly at Madison.

John glared angrily standing in front of Madison protectively "I'm the lost Prince...aren't I dad...or should I even call you that?"

Jefferson sighed wiping his hands on an apron tied around his waist "Just couldn't keep your mouth shut could you James...if I knew you were going to defy me the moment John brought you back I would have just kept you dead."

John looked back at Madison shocked "d-dead? W-why were you dead?!"

Madison got up standing with John "Jefferson pushed me out the window...He came back early and I knew letting you go might make you was a shot in the dark but I couldn't bear to see him treat you that need to get out of here, get to the kingdom and stop Alex from being executed."

"W-what?!" John looked between them shocked before looking at Jefferson "What did you do?!"

Jefferson took a breath looking at John "that criminal is to be hanged for his crimes, I simply made a few extra pushes to get him there. You have nowhere to go, he won't be there to protect you, and you are just a delicate, naive little flower." He went to pat John's head but John grabbed his wrist stopping him "you are wrong about me! And the world! You told me all my life the world was dangerous and would use my powers but the only person who has ever done that has been you! I will never let you use my hair again! I am leaving with Madison and we never want to see you again!"

They pushed past him making their way towards the door to go down the steps and out.

"You want me to be the bad guy? I'm the bad guy"

He quickly grabbed John's hair and yanked it forcing John to fall backward crying in pain. Madison ran back willing to give John enough time to get out himself and tackled Jefferson to the ground. They wrestled for a moment but then Jefferson grabbed the pot he dropped earlier and slammed it against Madison's head knocking him out.

John had run for the door when he heard the bang "M-Madison!"

Jefferson stood up and glared down at John angrily walking down to him "See what you cause John? See the people you hurt when you don't follow me? Because of you getting Alexander involved he is going to die, Madison already died once and I guarantee unless you remember your place, will die again, how many people are you willing to hurt? You're at a difficult choice John. Leave Madison to me to torture and kill or go after Alex who may or may not still be alive."

John froze watching Jefferson circling him like a lion hunting prey "or I'll save them both."

Jefferson laughed "see? And this is why you are a naive little child, you are foolish to believe you can have everything you wish for. Why don't you stop dreaming and come to reality, you have no one on your side. I am all you have-"


John looked over shocked hearing Alex's voice, he ran towards the door but Jefferson quickly attacked whacking his head with the cane stunning him. Hazily, John felt him put chained cuffs tied to the railing and gagged him with a cloth. John looked up to see Jefferson walk to the window opening it and threw John's hair out for Alex to climb before disappearing into the shadows. When Alex appeared in the window John tried to scream at him to lookout.


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