Chapter 10: A Golden Birthday

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John raced across the bridge to the kingdom with pure joy, he's never seen so many colors or people in all of his life. Music was playing from all corners, people dancing and selling various foods and crafts. He spotted a group of girls braided hair and got an idea going over asking for their help.

Alex and Burr watched in amusement, Burr noted quietly "He definitely is a curious don't suppose..." He nodded towards a mural depicting an image of the King and Queen with the missing prince.

"Oh for sure, I mean they look exactly alike, plus I found him in a tower! How freaky is that? But I don't want to bring it up until tomorrow...let him enjoy today before we talk to him, something like that won't be easy to swallow...but you know...that sort of information, like where I found him and who might have been responsible for the kidnapping, would probably be more than enough to get my head off the chopping block, huh?" Alex looked over with a grin knowing he was right.

Burr huffed "...I swear your pride will be the death of us all...but yes, I suppose that information would be much appreciated...but I can't guarantee that the King will fully pardon you. Perhaps if you walk in willingly and explain the situation you might get in his good graces...though I don't know how he will feel about the fact you seduced his son" Burr smirked teasingly glancing at the other.

Alex looked off blushing slightly "Oh shut it...I didn't do it intentionally...besides...he's a prince...and I'm...just a criminal. We were never meant to be anything more than just...passing moments." Alex felt a pang in his chest, but he brushed it off biting his lip.

Burr rolled his eyes "right, you know, you'd make a great writer with how dramatic you're being. John doesn't know of the life that is his birthright, and he clearly is attached to you as you are him. I've been chasing you for years and yet the first time I finally catch you it's because you're helping this stranger go to the very place you just committed treason to the king by taking the missing Prince's crown. Admit it, Hamilton, you finally someone worth for instead of against."

Alex opened his mouth to argue but John came over beaming in delight, his hair braided up with flowers decorating the long braid. He did a little spin and giggled, happy to not have it trailing so far behind him and be able to spin without getting tangled. Alex's eyes lit up and he took in a breath, Burr leaned in and grinned wagging an eyebrow. Alex shoved him off smiling going over to John "you look great John, what else should we do today before tonight with the turtles?"

John took hold of his hand and led him all around the town. He wanted to see and experience as much as he could as if he knew that this was his last day before returning to the tower. They went to the library, to a bakery, John painted a turtle on the sidewalk with paint, and by the time the sun was starting to set John had pulled Alex into a dancing crowd. We ended up in each other's arms out of breath slightly beaming happily at each other until someone shouted that now was a good time to get to the boats. We pulled apart smiling blushing before we made our way to the dock.

Burr opted to stay behind on the dock to wait for them to come back while the pair rowed out to the middle of the water. John turned relatively quiet as they waited for the turtles, Alex got the boat in position then looked at him worried "What's wrong?"

John sighed softly "...I've been in that tower all of my life...wondering what it was like in the dad told me countless times how dangerous it was...but was so incredible" he smiled softly before looking at Alex "...I forgot what it was like to dream, I mean...I've been asking for years to get out of the tower...just to get out and meet other people or see something other than the view outside the tower...when I found out about the turtles I just...latched onto that dream...and now it's finally coming true. I'm sad that it is going to be over and just like that I'll be back in my tower..." He looked back out at the water, Alex bit his lip not sure how to proceed.

"You know...if you really don't want to go don't have to...I mean, I don't have a dollar to my name, an acre of land, a troop to command, a dollop of fame, all I have's my honor, a tolerance for short I don't have much to offer but...if you don't want to go could always...stay with me?" Alex offered, feeling a little embarrassed that he really had nothing to offer especially against the life Alex knew John was actually a part of.

John smiled softly reaching over squeezing his hand reassuringly "I would love that Alex...but...I can't, I have to go have to wake up from a dream eventually and...when I go back then I just have to accept this dream is over..."

There was so much sadness in his voice and eyes, Alex grabbed both of his hands looking right into his eyes "No John, that is not how dreams work at all. When one dream is satisfied then you find a new dream and you deserve all of them to come true. For such a long time my dream was to live out this childhood fantasy to be as famous as Lin Miranda. I followed his legacy, coming from pretty much nothing then going out there and making something of myself. I wanted to leave a legacy, make a name for myself, and just...I wanted fame and fortune but...I realized that that dream isn't the right thing to fight for, I'm after a new know?"

John stopped midbreath looking into Alex's eyes and smiled softly "I'm starting to."

Alex smiled back before looking out at the water spotting the golden glow "John..."

John looked in the direction Alex was looking and gasped standing up climbing the post on the boat to peer into the water as a fleet of golden turtles glided under the water like stars. At the docks and nearby ships, people were letting go of small baby golden turtles that joined. Soon they were surrounded by thousands of turtles in the water. The glow casting a beautiful golden glow on John, making his eyes sparkle. He smiled happily watching them, all those days watching from the windows, all those years outside looking in, all that time never even knowing just how blind he's been. Now he's here blinking in the starlight and suddenly he sees he's where he's meant to be.

He looked over at Alex and beamed in delight to see him holding 2 carriers each holding a little golden turtle. John bit his lip "I have something for you too..." He pulled out Alex's bag that Jefferson gave him watching his reaction nervously "I...I'm not really sure what I want to do but...I don't want our journey to end...I think I found my new dream"

Alex took the bag and set it aside smiling looking at John with so much admiration and something so warm "Then I will do all I can to help it come true."

They broke apart their gaze to each take a turtle out and place it in the water watching them swim off together. John went back to watching the turtles seeing a large one rise above the water, John brushed his fingers along the shell with fascination beaming happily.

Alex watched John feeling the weight in his heart he always held onto finally lift. All those days chasing down a daydream, all those years living in a blur, all that time never truly seeing things the way they were. Now he's here shining in the starlight and suddenly he knew. As long as John's here, it's where he's meant to go.

Alex took hold of John's hands and they looked into each other's eyes. At last, they see the light, the fog is lifted, and the sky was new. All at once, everything was different. Alex gently brushed a strand of John's hair aside and moved his hand to the back of his neck and slowly they leaned in to kiss.

It was at that moment Alex noticed an odd green light on the shore leading out of the kingdom. He could see it was Charles and Samuel Leebury. Alex paused, John pulled back looking at Alex confused "is...everything okay?"

Alex snapped out of his thoughts and nodded quietly rowing over to the shore "there's something I need to do...I'll be back" He grabbed the bag and got out of the boat. John looked between Alex and the bag, he forced a small smile "a-alright." Alex walked off to find the Leebury twins while John watched his receding figure nervously.

Entangled ~ Lams RapunzelTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang