He's Batshit Crazy

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When morning came, Izuku was more than thrilled that it was Thursday. His classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays only lasted two hours in total and left him with plenty of free time to catch up on homework. Most of his classes were geared around literature reviews and creative writing. Of course, he still had a few general education classes to complete but those had always been easy A's. Those subjects were not worth worrying over.

Izuku had spent his whole night trying to forget the interaction he had with Katsuki. He wasn't typically a person who was easily intimidated by Alphas. But there was something about Katsuki's overwhelming pheromones that made his skin crawl — and he couldn't decide whether he should have been afraid or curious as to why he was so affected by him in the first place.

It could be the fact that Izuku had never encountered a negative experience with an Alpha before. Most of the Alphas he had met were polite and considerate to him. During high school, he had a few kids that picked on him, but none of them were ever downright rude or aggressive. Alphas were naturally more dominant and assertive; it didn't make them turn into jerks solely because of their sub-gender.

Katsuki's growl lingered in his mind and memories. Paired with the way the ash-blond had been towering over him with his phone practically crushed in his large hand, Izuku ran away. That had been the only action his body could conjure up. An upset Alpha emitting pheromones and growling in his direction was more than the Omega had ever experienced. His nature called for him to run. Izuku had to escape that sickly sweet scent that both scared the daylights out of him and drew him in like a moth to a flame — dangerous and attractive.

He wandered around the library that day after classes with Katsuki on his mind — Katsuki and that book he abandoned in the cafeteria last night. He was dreading telling Kaminari that he had left it unattended. He checked with the dining staff this morning to see if anyone turned it in but there was nothing. Izuku contemplated not even going to the library today. Overwhelming guilt and anxiety ate at him as he scolded himself for being reckless when it came to his books.

The greenette had spent the last thirty minutes hiding in the stacks, avoiding confronting Kaminari about the books the blond Omega was sure to question about. If there was one thing Kaminari knew, it was Izuku's reading habits and schedule. He was sure that Kaminari was expecting his book returns today. As much as he considered not entering the library today, he couldn't keep himself from the thousands upon thousands of books that remained untouched among the stacks.


Sleep? What was that? Who needed sleep when he had to find out what happened between Becka and Ezekial. Sure, it ended with Becka's gimp-ass spinning around on Ezekial's boot in the corniest and most vomit-inducing attempt at a romance scene Katsuki had ever seen, but it didn't feel complete. Was that it, the book just ended with Becka not being turned into an immortal succubus to spend her days forever with the incubus, Ezekial? Why did he care so much about a stupid novel in the first place? So much so, that he completely neglected his night's worth of sleep and failed to pay attention to any of his classes the following morning.

Katsuki still hadn't found a way to get the book back to Izuku. He knew the Omega's name and where his dorm was, but that was about it. He couldn't exactly go knocking on Izuku's door completely unannounced, either. His dumbass wouldn't have the slightest clue on what excuse to spout out when it came to explaining how he knew where the greenette was sleeping at night. Even though it was definitely for Izuku protection and nothing more — definitely.

His morning classes let out and Katsuki made his way to his work-study. If he wasn't able to suddenly bump into the Omega plaguing his mind, the least he could do to clear his thoughts was to check out the second book. At least it would settle one of his problems. Sighing as he stepped behind the library counter, Katsuki plopped his backpack down and pulled up the online directory. He searched for the author's last name to find where the book would be sitting on the shelf but it seemed to be checked out.

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