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Alright, I know you want to get to your reading BUT WAIT! just bare with me for a moment.
If you are a new reader I am here to inform you that there is a book prior to this called "X-Men: First Class (Reader Insert)" just browse it in my profile it should be there. If you haven't seen the movie or any movies in the X-men franchise by Fox then this is your SPOILER WARNING. Ofcourse, a disclaimer as well that I do not own any of the characters, well... Marvel owns them now, BUT Fox produced the movies so they own this too.

ALSO if you're wondering, I am using the Rogue Cut version of DOFP because I really would've love to see Rogue in the original cut but I do understand why they had to cut it (Too many characters to squeeze) but this is my own version of the movie so I'll be squeezing her with the others just because I love her Hehe.

I WOULD like to apologize for the delay I know I said a few weeks for the next book but It never came. Yeah my procrastinating ass is to blame for that. Anywho I will post the first chapters of this so I atleast have something to start with. Hope you guys enjoy!!

ALRIGHT, that's all just scroll now or turn the page.

See ya on the flip side!

X-Men: Days of Future Past (Reader Insert)Where stories live. Discover now