The Paris Fight

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As the plane lands on morning everybody got dressed and is ready to finally save Raven and drag her out of this mess.

Charles was more than determined and [Y/N] can sense that. "We're getting her back." Promised to his brother and he smiled giving a curt nod. "We will."

Hank was more than iffy about seeing Raven again but he is also determined in saving her and possibly saving the future.

Logan was neutral as always and is only here to fix the future that he saw. Undoing Raven's action will tip off another stream in the river of time. Possibly a stream where Logan's friends are saved and alived. No war is going on and they'll live peacefully as long as they protect humankind and mutant kind.

But Erik was quiet the whole morning. He seems like he is thinking. Deep in thought. Like he is planning or evaluating something to do. [Y/N] always thought of Erik as a quiet planner and not someone to jabber about anything. So he brushed off Erik's silence.

"Are we guys ready?" [Y/N] asked the team before exiting the plane. Everyone gave a determined nod and [Y/N] was more than happy with the response. "Then let's go save the future."


Lots of cameras and people were gathered around the building where the meeting will take place. Different news stations with cameramen and reporters everywhere and people who are there to support the event happily cheering on. They walked through the crowd and slowly entered an ajoining building.

The team continued walking through the building and was blocked by some guards.

"I'm sorry you can't be he-" The guard was cut mid sentence when Erik tied his wrists up along with the other guards sticking the metal cuff to the wall.

The door up to the main building was locked shut and Erik can't budge it open finding out that it's not made of metal, Magneto glanced at [Y/N] and the younger man nodded.

Focusing on the sound of his surroundings he effortlessly pushed the door open making the two doors swing open. This caught the attention of the security and the guards. As soon as they entered the main building a bunch of guards are ready to bust them.

"You guys go to Raven I'll hold them off." [Y/N] volunteers.

"You sure?" Charles asked.

"Yeah, I will catch up."

"C'mon Charles there's no time." Erik rushed and Charles looks at [Y/N] a bit hesitantly.

"You and Erik is enough to sway Raven back to us and I am strong enough to hold back these guards just in time." [Y/N] explains and Charles nods, trusting his little brother. "Ok, just be careful."

"Stay safe, kid. Meet us up there." Logan says as [Y/N] nods and turns his back on the leaving team and facing the incoming guards.

"Stop right there!" A guard yelled at him.

Focusing on the sound waves that hit him he absorbs the sound and uses it to send a shockwave strong enough to send the guards flying off.

More showed up and started shooting at his direction. He stops the bullets mid air flattening them against the force field he created around him. Another shockwave was sent that made the officers flying across the spacious hallway.

"Sorry guys!" [Y/N] winces as the other groans from the pain of being sent flying across the room.

Using his enhanced hearing he heared some comotion happening upstairs. He rushed to the door and up the stairs as he hears the sound of a  glass breaking and people shrieking and screaming in panic.

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