What We Must Do

917 29 1

The Present

[Y/N] wakes up with a gasp. His eyes shot open and he looks around frantically his head whipping from left to right. He was in his room, at the mansion. His head trobbed. Like a migrane that he had years ago. Or like he had a bad hungover.

He then remembered that Erik basically wrapped his head with a metal strip. His ears were blocked. His hearing was impaired. And that his powers were useless. He then remembered the dread and the sheer fear of lying down with metal sheets tight on his limbs. His powers useless. Him unable to move to move or do something.

He never felt so helpless before. And it scares him. Now that Erik knows he has a weakness. He is gonna exploit and use it to his advantage so he has to be careful.

Trying to calm himself down and trying to remember the earlier events. He noticed that he was wearing a black plain shirt and a new pair of pants. Faintly remembering that Hank rescued him earlier.

Which means..

"Charles?" [Y/N] he calls out. His voice only echoed throughout the empty room. Carefully he tries to step out of bed and walk towards the door. Limping a bit from sore limbs and weakened legs due to the fight earlier he struggled to reach the frame of the door.

"Hank? Logan? Charles?" He called out a bit louder. He looked across the empty hallways from left to right to see if any person are present near him. From the signs of the sun about to set in a few hours it looks like it was way past afternoon.

Since there was no sign of anybody he walked carefully towards the kitchen to get a drink of water. He struggled to reach for a glass but managed to grab one and pour himself some mildly cold water gulping it quickly. He exhaled after the drink feeling a bit better and blinked away the insuing pain from his temples. The pain was resulted by Erik wrapping metal pieces around it he presumed.

He then thought of something. He straightened up and tried to use his powers. Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. He tries to reach through the empty hallways of the house, room to room, staircase to staircase. [Y/N] used his enhanced hearing to find out where they could possibly be. He let his hearing stretch through the mansion. Making every single sound louder than normally are. The wifts of papers from the table, clinking of chimes, the sound of the multiple clocks, the very faint blowing of wind.

Struggling for a few minutes, he then remembered the feeling of not hearing anything. Of when Erik covered his ears so that he couldn't do anything. The memories and the feeling flooded through him. It was still fresh after all.

Suddenlt he opened his eyes, he gasped and loses balance but he clutched on to a chair to keep him from falling to the ground. Sweat now covering his face and he kept catching his breath. Told himself to calm down.

He has been relying too much on his power that he felt utterly useless and powerless without them. When Erik covered his hearing, he felt weak. He felt scared. He felt helpless.

But he realized something. This was not about him. All of these things they've been doing, are for the future. Their future. So he has to keep himself together. Cause if he can't, then no one else will too. So standing up and carefully breathing slowly. Wiping the sweat off of his face and closing his eyes he lets the sound dance through his ears.


Find them. Charles. Hank. Logan.

They're here somewhere.


He heard movement from the generator room. Clanking and meddling of metals and switches. He gasped in relief.

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