Operation: Break Erik Out

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"Alright, everybody knows their roles?" Hank asks to the guys around the table. Everybody nods tirelessly because he's been going on with this for about the fiftieth time. In his defense, they need to execute this plan flawlessly if they don't want to be caught and be sentenced with much worse consequence for breaking an enemy of a state. "So we pretend to be tourists and Peter will zoom in and act as a guard sending Erik his lunch. Everyone should be readied to where they're stationed" Hank started pointing at the Pentagon building layout.

"So when I fry the camera feeds and manipulate the radio waves to their screens it's go time for all of us." He continues.

"And I break in the maintenance and the camera room to lock in the tech guys so no one can possibly pursuit us. And also apprehend guards if needed." [Y/N] says gaining a nod to Hank.

"By that time I already have our package and is going to be delivered to the upper floors." Peter adds while he is in a comfortable seating position with his feet on the table and hands behind his back. "I hack into their sprinklers and turn on fire supression mode to make the kitchen staff and guards exit the vicinity." Hank adds.

"Me and Charles takes the said 'package' and get it our of there." Logan finishes. Hank marks their positions on the Pentagon blueprint map and by the day they'll all be ready to finally break Erik out.

"Simple as that sounds this will be a lot of work. Let's hope besides Peter's and [Y/N] we don't use any of our abilities as possible" Logan nods and they all share glances.

"Guess that's all, we're ready" Logan says determined.

"Then, Operation: Break Erik Out, is a go." [Y/N] announces.


While searching for clothes Charles and [Y/N] was left on their own. Trying to rummage atleast a believable tourist clothes was hard enough, especially for [Y/N].

"Here, I think this'll look good on you." Charles holds up a blue button up to [Y/N]. He smiles at the clothes and nods. "Yeah, I like this one. Thanks." Charles smiles at him. And for a moment, it's like the last 10 years never happened. And both of them are just siblings planning for a vacation. He grabs the clothing and peels off his shirt.

"So, we'll be seeing Erik again." [Y/N] says while changing into the blue polo. Charles sighes and he changes as he tuxedo. "I suppose we will." He says quietly.

"So what are you gonna do? Or say?" [Y/N] asks.

Charles thinks. Even he doesn't know what to do. "I... honestly don't know. Maybe I'll punch him or something." [Y/N] laughs at that and Charles joins him.

"He does deserve a good punching from you."

"But I doubt it, I am not really good with violence." Charles retracts as he finishes his tie. [Y/N] finishes the buttoning and pulls Charles to his side to loom themselves in the mirror.

"We look rather good for a heist." [Y/N] smiles and Charles smiles back.

And in that moment, it feels like he is slowly getting his brother back after losing him for years.


They find themselves wearing 'believable disguises' and is part of a touring group in the safer places of the Pentagon. They were instructed to only follow their designated tour guides and they cannot break path from their scheduled and planned tour. Like hell they wouldn't.

As discreetly as they can [Y/N], Logan, Hank and Charles are joining a fleet of crowds and are pretending to like and listen to the whatever the lady tour guide is babbling about. Something along the lines of history and wars? They were more focused on the task at hand rather than actually attending a tour.

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