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     I slid down into the water infused bubbles, inhaling its scent that was mixing in with the candle I lit. I read somewhere that scented candles were scientifically proven to calm down our nerves. I put it to test and it did not disappoint me.

When my fingers became all wrinkly, my toes too, I knew I had to get out. Staying in any longer and I'd become a grandma. Was it even possible for wrinkles to form on my face? I didn't want to stay and find out. I rinsed the soap from my body and stepped on to the cold tiles.

Wrapped a towel around myself. Looked myself in the mirror and was reminded of the time I shared that same bath with Astel. Changed myself in my sleepwear.

Opening the bathroom door, the hallway was completely dark. The only light was coming from under Astel's door. Perfect.

I went downstairs to the kitchen in complete darkness. Hands trembled as I searched for a kitchen knife. It might be time for the devil to be on the other end of death. As quiet as possible, I grabbed one not too big, but the perfect size.

All the reasons to not do this come swirling in. I swallowed them down. I have to do this. What he did was not right. I can feel my pulse through the knife, trembling like an earthquake. The metal hit the ground making me jump. I look around and found no one, no weird distortions in the air. Closed my eyes to enhance my hearing, heard nothing but my own breathing.

I curled down, picked up the culinary tool. Tip toed upstairs and found Astel's door just the way it was earlier. I went to my own bedroom, placed the knife inside my pillowcase. A bit cliché, but it works. Shut off the lights and laid in bed. My comforter barely covering me. It was too hot in this room even with the AC.

I must have tossed and turned around for a million times now. Worked my nerves, convinced myself- no that was the wrong word, reassuring myself that it is the right thing to do. As it hit three in the morning, it's fair to assume he was sound asleep. I took from under my pillow- careful to not cut myself- the kitchen knife.

The door let a little creak, the hallway dark as always. So was Astel's room. His door was open halfway, must be because it was as warm in his room as mine. Through the moonlit room, I managed to see Astel sound sleep on the king-sized bed. Clutching my knife behind my back, I quietly walked to his side of the bed. I must admit, he looked incredibly peaceful. My heart clenched thinking to the first day we met. It seemed like such a long time ago, so much has happened since.

A dark desire submerged from within, one lustful enough to admit Astel was so fucking attractive. His aura was so powerful, so hard to resist. I could see through his blanket the subtle movement of his breathing. I fought the urge to rip it off him, cheeks flaming at the day he came in the bath with me, giving me the perfect view of him almost naked- almost.

And his eyes, gosh his damn eyes. My lips curled up. "Scarlet like hell was inside them, the color of lust and desire," I whispered looking straight at his closed eyelids. But all of that didn't matter. It didn't matter anymore that I admitted to myself I found him attractive, because it was all going to end.

I was going to end it.

I wiped off my smile, remembering the reason I stood in his room in the first place. Excuse me, I meant my parent's room. It was never his in the first place. He might have been the guy I spent the time with at the beach, the one I made a promise with to never leave. I guess the saying was true, promises were meant to be broken.

With trembling hands, I took out the knife from behind me, holding it to his neck. It was two centimeters from touching him, just a bit more and his breathing will stop. At that moment, Astel chose to stir in his sleep bringing me to a freeze.

The Devil Calls Me SweetheartWhere stories live. Discover now