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     Liv refused to believe me. Her laugh blended amongst the crowd's cheer and holler. I mean, how could I blame her? Nobody in their right mind would believe the devil himself was walking amongst us. "Olivia," I cried. "I'm serious."

She searched my face for a sign, squinting her eyes. I did not break into a fit of laughter like she expected. I remained straight-faced. Liv frowned, her grin disappearing, and we were then interrupted by a man with a glow in the dark hat. "Excuse me," he said. "Would you be interested in buying either a can of soda or some glow sticks?" The vendor gestured to his cart, with sparkling signs that wouldn't go unnoticed.

I shook my head no.

"Pepsi please, I really need to digest some... stuff," said Liv referring to our conversation. She gave him the money, and he gave her the can. And away he went. I could feel she was opening up to the idea I might be right, much to her dismay.

"It's really complicated, I can tell you in more details later. But Astel has been living with me for almost two months now. Somehow, I fell for him. I think he did too?"

"You think?! You should KNOW." The can made a popping sound as she opened it.

"He told me he loved me! And we- we slept together... Everything was fine! Atleast, until we went to a rich people party," I frowned. "Then I asked him to be my boyfriend, and he kind of really freaked out. And ghosted me, and moved out from my house, with no warning. Then I went to ask his friend this morning and he told me he may have went back to wherever he's actually from. Which, is not on earth," I ranted. My tone was getting lower and lower as I told her the story, my insecurity showing through.

I told her the complete story, from A to Z. From when he impersonated Liv, the beach, the almost killing and till now. When she was sure I was done talking, she carefully set down her soda. Looked me straight in the eyes and shouted something. However, the moment she opened her mouth, series of fireworks exploded one after the other, painting the sky with vibrant colors. High pitched screams blasted from little children's vocal chords.

All I could do was observe Liv's face as it went through different expressions, mostly angry, and try to make out the words that her mouth formed. I didn't even need to hear what she saying to know she was furious at all of this, and probably at me for keeping her in the dark.

The vivid colors was a beautiful backdrop for this moment between a girl scolding with strong passion at her heartbroken friend. Truly a sight to see. I could physically feel the firework resonating through me.

The momentum lasted for around fifteen minutes. Finally, my sense of hearing came back.

"You're so stupid," she finished, chugging her drink down. I didn't tell her I actually heard nothing of what she said.

I really needed her shoulder to lean on right now. "I feel lost."

"I'll be honest, you should try and move on. I don't want you feeling hurt by him anymore. I don't want to be that friend that gives you advice and sugarcoats things," stated Liv. "You've known him for under a year. Your relationship went by too fast, already living with each other. And like you said, you barely know anything about Astel."

"You're saying I shouldn't try and go after the guy I love?"

"But does he love you back? He may have said it, but he may not have meant it."

"Astel isn't like that," I muttered.

"He left, didn't he? Even though it never crossed your mind he would."

I stayed silent. The cruel truth paralyzed my brain. People around us already started packing up. The rides and booths were shutting down. The circus music was being distorted and faded out. "I'm really sorry. You know, for not telling you sooner."

She pulled me in for a tight hug. "I'm here for you, Rose."

Still hugging her, the following sentence slipped out of my mouth. "He said that too."

Liv immediately pushed herself away. "Stop that!"


Liv ended up calling her boyfriend James to pick us up. He kindly agreed to drive me back home. "You good, Rose?" James asked. I didn't want Liv to keep secrets from him. It was, after all, a normal experience to anyone else; being dumped. We only left out the devil part, obviously.

"Could've been better," I answered from the backseat. "Oh Liv, I forgot I left out a detail."

"What is it? Don't tell me you got pregnant." I could see the fear in her eyes reflected on the rear mirror.

"Did you use protection?" inquired James.

"That's not it!" I shuddered in horror, crossing my arms. "I told my family he would come for dinner tomorrow." I really did not want to think about it. I told them once, surely they had time to forget? They're so busy they couldn't possibly remember what I said.

"Do you want me to ask my friends?" asked James.

"I appreciate it. But my sister already knows what he looks like. No point in lying." I thanked both Liv and James for cheering me up when we arrived in front of my house. The car only drove away when I entered safely inside.

Switching the lights on, I still held hope this was all a nightmare. But when I opened his door, it was still empty. I entered and sat on the made bed, imagining Astel was sitting next to me. Liv told me to hate him. To despise him.

No matter how much I tried, I couldn't. Maybe I didn't want to either. I felt tired and drained from life. If I just closed my eyes, would I wake up?

"I'm at home, but why do I feel homesick?" I whispered to myself. I could see the back of my eyelids, pitch black. If I though hard enough, I could trick myself into seeing his face. If I listened hard enough, I could faintly make out the sound of his voice.

Should I wait for him, or should I forget? It was a tough and never-ending cycle.


A/N: Wow! Another chapter! A little short compared to others, but still a chapter! If you enjoyed, don't forget to vote! :) Love you x

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2020 ⏰

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