Chapter 14: Truck Stop

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Vic woke up the next morning at 6:48 AM. He had a goodnight sleep last night, as by the time he made it back home, he was worn out and fell fast asleep afterwards. He still felt a little tired, but he was eager to get back up. He wanted to take out more Cholos. But he no longer wanted to work with Marty again. So he decided to see Phil for the job instead.

So as Vic got up, he took a quick shower, got dressed, and cooked eggs and toast for breakfast. He needed the energy to go back outside to take out the Cholos. As he ate his breakfast, he thought about how he would explain his new crime life to his Aunt Enid now that he had had both of his jobs interfered thanks to the Cholos. So Vic simply wanted to get everything over with so he could finally provide enough cash for Pete's medication.

Vic finished eating and finally headed out of the door. The morning sky was dark and blue. There was barely any cars driving on the road. No pedestrians stirred around the streets. The place was nearly dead silent. All that was heard was the silent breeze. Vic felt good about it. It was nice to have a little serene silence for once. He took his time as he slowly walked over to Phil's Depot

Unfortunately, for Vic, when he finally arrived inside Phil's building, another person was sitting adjacent to him - Sergeant Jerry Martinez, who was smoking a pipe. Vic glared angrily at Martinez. He still hasn't forgotten about the day Martinez deliberately cost him his impending career.

Martinez handed Phil the pipe to smoke and looked straight ahead just in time to see Vic arriving.

"Hey, look who it is!" Martinez called. "Victor Vance! What's going on, amigo? You want some smoke?"

"Fuck you, Martinez," Vic snapped at the sergeant.

"Relax... you're so fucking histrionic," Martinez told him. "It's like hanging out with a bitch on her period."

"You want me to fuck you up?!" Vic snapped.

"Whatever baby," Martinez replied. "The thing is, you work for Phil, and Phil - Phil works for me. Which makes you... my bitch's bitch. Figure that out."

Phil began nearly choking on the smoke and handed it back to Martinez. "Man, that shit is heavy," Phil said, coughing.

"So you had better play nice, if you wanna get paid, huh?" Martinez told Vic, hopping out of his seat. "Because if you don't get paid, then who's gonna look after your sick brother?"

"Fuck you," Vic repeated, getting into Martinez's face.

"Ay, change the record baby..." Martinez groaned. "Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you. What did you expect me to do, huh? I didn't screw you over for fun. I was saving myself, and you would do the same. And don't pretend otherwise."

"I had a career," Vic growled.

"So what, you got kicked out of the army..." Martinez replied. "Big deal."

He paced inches away and towards Phil. "Hey... I told Phil about some guns I can sell, if you can get them, hm?" Martinez continued as he took the pipe from Phil. "Phil, don't smoke too much of this shit, huh? It'll make you trip out, get paranoid."

"Sure, later Jerry," Phil said as Martinez walked away with the pipe.

Phil then turned to Vic. "Come on Vic," he said as he slowly rose out of his seat and picked up his machine gun. "This should silence any asshole following me."

"We're gonna need some back up, Vic," Phil told Vic as the two walked outside. "I know some guys that'll help."

So Vic hopped into the burgundy Perennial, with Phil taking the passenger's seat, and drove on the road. He never thought he would feel this way, but he was glad to be working for Phil again. Of course, he wondered if Phil knew about the abuse his sister was taking from her abusive husband.

"Are we being followed?" Phil asked as Vic exited the docks. "We better not be being followed... I'll rip those bastards' livers right out of their sides."

"Chill out man," Vic told him. "There ain't no-one following us."

Vic then drove onto the street and made a left turn on the first intersection. He drove straight down the road until he made a left turn to drive up in the driveway of the Beachcomber Hotel at the edge of the Escobar International Airport.

Vic pulled up a little closer to find two guys standing on the side: One had on a blue shirt over blue jeans, the other had a yellow shirt and black vest over black pants.

"Hey Fellas!" Phil called to the two guys. "C'mon! We're gonna make some money." He then turned to Vic. "They're good guys Vic," Phil told Vic as the two guys hopped inside the vehicle as well. "Just always so quiet... maybe I shouldn't trust 'em."

So Vic backed out of the driveway and returned onto the road. He drove around Little Havana and looked around to search for the truck. Just then, as Vic made a right turn on the next road, he spotted the truck up ahead. So as Vic got close enough to the truck, Phil and the other two guys took out their machine guns and started firing at the truck. The two guys on the truck also fired back as well, and Vic kept his speed to stay on them as the drive-by shootout continued all the way through Little Haiti.

Phil and the other two guys shot down the remaining members on the back of the truck, and Vic pulled up to the side just in time for the other three to shoot at the driver, killing him as well.

"I'm gonna take the truck back to my place," Phil told the guys. "Anyone follows me, you give 'em hell."

So Phil exited the vehicle and hopped inside the truck. He started the engine and began driving, with Vic closely trailing behind him. Vic looked around to find anyone else who would pursue him and the truck.

He was prepared right in time, because an Admiral had come up close to them trying to take down the truck.

"They send backup!" one of the guys in the car announced. He and his partner shot back at the Admiral. It eventually caught on fire and exploded. Soon, more Admirals were chasing after the truck, and the partners in the Perennial kept shooting back at them to keep them from getting close to the truck. Vic joined in on the shootout by doing drive-by shootings himself.

The whole chase scene continued through Little Havana until every last Admiral was finally off their back and Phil finally made it back to his place in one piece.

Later, Vic was back in his house thinking. He was still trying to get the Cholos off his back so he could get back to his normal, diligent life in order to pay for Pete's medication. He then heard his pager beeping. Vic took the pager off his belt and read it. He sighed. It was from his brother Lance.

"Hey Bro'," the message read. "Aunt Enid's driving me crazy. Can I join you? Let's double-team that town."

Vic just groaned silently as he returned the pager to his belt. He was in no mood to deal with Lance considering the trouble the latter had put the two in during the past.

To take his mind off of the antics he had been in, Vic decided to walk outside of his apartment home to see Marty again, groaning of having to do his dirty work.

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