Chapter 30: Papi Don't Screech

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Unfortunately, this wasn't the case. Because as Vic and the other two Cubans have returned back inside, they found Umberto crying his eyes out. He was leaning against the pool table while two more of the Cubans walked up to him

"You even got any balls?" Umberto sobbed as he turned to the two Cubans.

"I didn't know!" one of them replied.

"And you," Umberto added, turning to the other Cuban member, "I've seen shit with more guts!"

"You didn't say your father was going," the other Cuban told him.

"Shut your mouth, lady boy!" Umberto growled through his tears. "He's my daddy, and I love him! I can't believe you would do this! And you left him there to die!"

"Umberto, what's the problem?" Vic asked.

Umberto then turned to Vic. "Oh, my God, I'm going to be an orphan!" he answered.

"Oh, man..." Vic replied empathically. "I'm sorry. How did it happen?"

"It hasn't happened, brother," one of the Cubans answered. "Alberto - that's his dad - he's over at the wrestling, man."

"So why the tears?" Vic asked as Umberto continued to sob silently.

"We just saw some Cholos driving over there, man," the other Cuban told him.

"So why doesn't somebody just go pick up Alberto?" Vic asked.

"That's what we said to Umberto," the other Cuban said. "Only he freaked out."

"Well, go get him," Vic replied.

"No. No way, Vic," Umberto told him between his sobs as he turned around. "Don't let my daddy be collected by these two bitches! He's a man. The shame would kill him."

"Well, you go!" Vic told him

"I can't drive, man!" Umberto sobbed. "I'm hysterical!"

"Goddamn it," Vic grumbled, shaking his head. "I'll go get him. But you owe me, you freak."

Vic walked away as Umberto continued bawling in the living room

Vic shook his head. He could not believe he had to pick up Umberto's father from a wrestling match at the stadium. How did he even get to the stadium to watch a wrestling match so early in the first place? And why didn't anyone stick with him to begin with? Things were losing all logic every time Vic would help out his allies.

He didn't complain though. It was only one job. After all, how bad could such a simple task like picking up Umberto's father possibly be? He walked outside and hopped into the Admiral. Vic started the engine and drove through Little Havana, where he drove straight down and found an intersection that lead to the long road, where he made a left turn in.

As Vic drove straight down the road, he made it through Downtown and continued driving straight. The road was surprisingly scanty through the silent morning, and Vic was still wondering how a wrestling match could start so early in the morning. He continued driving until he finally made it to the stadium.

There were several cars in the parking lot. A number of people were exiting out from inside the arena. Vic searched for Umberto's father through the small crowd harder. He then saw an elderly Cuban man wearing a blue Hawaiian shirt over red pants walking down the steps. That must have been Umberto's father.

"Hey, Alberto?" Vic asked. "Your son sent me to pick you up."

"Gracias, senor," Alberto answered as he walked to the vehicle and hopped inside. "You're late... tarde. I can't be late opening my café. In twenty years, I have never opened late."

"Take it easy, Alberto." Vic told the elderly Cuban. "No problems."

"My café opens at 9:00," Alberto told him. "We have about fifteen minutes to be there. So be there on time, and don't drive so fast. I have a heart condition."

Vic sighed. This wouldn't be too difficult at all. After all, all he had to do was drop Alberto to his café. It couldn't possibly be too difficult. Vic then continued driving down the road and through Downtown. He had to drive steadily to keep from Alberto having a heart attack. This was going to be a breather. He felt relaxed and not pressured at all.

Unfortunately for Vic, that feeling all changed by the time he made a right turn on Little Havana. He saw that the Cholos' vehicles were just on the corner, and Alberto was in the car with him. So Vic had to drive slightly quicker.

"Take it easy!" Alberto shouted, panicking and wheezing a bit. "My heart! Please! I don't have my medication!"

Dammit, Umberto! Vic thought. You didn't tell me this guy had a heart condition!

So now Vic had to sneak past the Cholos in order to keep from killing Umberto's father. He slowly drove around the town, trying his hardest to circumvent the presence of the Cholos. It was getting rather difficult at this point since there were so many of the Cholos driving around the small town. Vic felt annoyed over the fact that he had to do these kinds of tasks alone.

So instead of driving through Little Havana, he turned around and drove onto the long road straight. He drove steadily to keep from Alberto having a heart attack. He was rather old and had a very sensitive heart that would easily give in if he was in too much stress.

Vic then took a right turn down the end of the road and drove through Little Havana. No Cholos was in sight, and the café was just down the corner. So Vic continued driving and made it through the city without a single Cholo to spot him. This was going well so far. Before he knew it, Vic finally made it to the café, and Alberto slowly hopped out of the vehicle.

"Phew... " Alberto sighed, wiping a bead of sweat off his forehead. "All this rushing... My heart, she's not so good these days."

Wonder why you decided to attend a wrestling match then, Vic thought.

He watched as Alberto walked inside the café and started putting up the sign. Vic decided that it was enough running any more errands. So he decided to return to Umberto to see what the Cuban had in stores for him now. It was time to end the reign of the Cholos once and for all. Vic got his weapons ready and drove around Little Havana to return to Umberto's place.

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