Chapter 42: Mugshot Longshot

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Vic pulled up in front of a green mansion at Prawn Island. As he parked the car, he and Lance hopped out and walked to the entrance, where Juan Ovzem, one of the guards at the door, guided them inside.

As Ovzem guided Vic and Lance to the living room, he silently ordered Vic and Lance to sit on the couch at gunpoint and stood guard. The Mendez brothers, Armando and Diego Mendez entered the room. Armando wore a white suit while Diego had on a blue suit with shades and a thick mustache. Armando also seemed to resemble Alejandro Sosa from Scarface.

"Ah, siblings!" Armando announced in a strong Bolivian accent. "Just like me and Diego. How apt."

"Listen, Mendez, we don't want no crap," Lance blurted out. Ovzem smacked him on the shoulder with his weapon, causing Lance to fall back into the couch.

"Listen, Vance brothers," Armando explained in a calm, yet somewhat ominous tone of voice, "you want me to kill you now? No problem. Or we can work together. Your call."

"What the hell kinda choice is that?" Vic asked.

"Alright," Lance answered, still clutching onto his shoulder. "I guess we're gonna work together."

"Good," Armando replied. "Diego?"

"Si," Diego uttered. He seemed to only know how to speak Spanish.

Armando stared at the two Vance brothers. "So... Victor, Lance, who has been ripping us off?" he asked them. "All of us, because now we are partners; a team, as it were. Four brothers."

Vic was finding it very difficult to explain the situation with the Mendez brothers. "Yeah... " Vic started to say.

"It was Martinez!" Lance interrupted. Vic predictably glared at his brother.

"Really?" Armando asked, discerning the Vance brothers' expressions. "OK, prove it. I mean, prove it now."

Vic glared at Lance at the two walked back outside.

"How the hell are we gonna prove Martinez was behind them losing their shipment?!" Vic snapped at Lance.

"Look, Martinez is turning states," Lance explained. "All we need to do is get some photos of him with the feds. We could even make out like he was an undercover cop like Forbes. That's it. Man, I am a genius."

"Sometimes you are, Lance," Vic replied. "Sometimes you are."

"Take some photos of Martinez talking to the feds, then get Forbes' ID from my place and meet me at the Print Works," Lance told Vic.

"The Print Works?" Vic asked.

"Trust me... " Lance said as he walked to the Infernus and hopped inside. "I see you there, brother."

Vic watched as Lance drove away.

Yeah, leave me behind like you always do, you piece of shit for an idiot brother, Vic thought.

Luckily for him, there was a Sentinel XS on the driveway as well. So Vic hopped inside the vehicle and began driving down the road in search of a nearby police station. As he made it through Vice Point and to Washington Beach, he spotted the police station, and there was Jerry Martinez leaving the station with a DEA agent.

"Come on, man," Martinez told the DEA agent. "This town ain't safe for me anymore."

"Calm down, sir," the DEA agent said. "You're in the witness protection program now. We'll take care of everything."

As the two hopped inside a navy Banshee, Vic pulled out the camera Lance had given him earlier, got out of the vehicle he was in to get a closer look, and quickly snapped the photo of Martinez and the DEA.

The latter two drove away, oblivious to Vic's presence, and Vic hopped back into his vehicle to follow the Banshee all the way to the marina in Ocean Beach, where Vic saw that the two were about to board a yacht replete with the shipment towards the pier.

Martinez studied the yacht, wearing a rather disappointing look on his face. "Is this the best you could get me?" he asked the DEA agent. "I should have taken my chances with the Mendez brothers."

"Sir, turning states evidence isn't a lottery win," the DEA agent protested. "You're lucky to get this."

So as the two boarded the yacht, Vic took a closer look and snapped the photo, now with the drugs. As the yacht pulled away onto the open water, Martinez spotted Vic from far away.

"Hey!" he shouted. "Some idiot is taking photos of me. What kind of security is this? He could have a gun. Get me the hell out of here. You guys suck! I mean seriously suck!"

Martinez didn't recognize Vic from far away, that was the good news. Unfortunately, the bad news was that the police were now hot on Vic's trail. So he hopped inside the vehicle and quickly drove to Lance's apartment to pick up Forbes' DEA ID number.

Vic exited the vehicle to grab the things and returned outside. The police were hot around him. So he quickly hopped inside his vehicle and dashed through Washington Beach, where he shook the police cars off him and ran into a Paint 'n' Spray shop, losing the cops entirely.

With the cops off his back, Vic slowly back out of the garage and drove through the road. As he made his way through the start of Vice Point, he made a left turn and rode straight down through the bridge of Starfish Island.

Vic then turned right and drove straight down the long road until he turned left to drive through Little Haiti. Up ahead was the Print Works, and Lance's Infernus was parked right in front. Vic made his way over to the building and parked up front.

Vic hopped out of the vehicle and made his way inside to meet Lance, who received the photos to print the fake ID of Martinez.

Vic and Lance then exited the building. "Photos, Forbes' ID - cool," Lance announced. "I'll put them together with these phony ID papers my man just forged."

"So, instead of DEA agent Forbes... " Vic started to say.

"We've got agent Jerry Martinez," Lance finished the sentence. "1st class asshole. That should convince Mendez that Jerry was a cop."

"What if it doesn't?" Vic asked.

"Run," Lance answered. "But don't come running after me. My ass will be up in a tree in Haiti."

Lance then hopped inside his Infernus and drove away. Vic shook his head and prayed that Lance's scheme didn't fail this time. He hopped inside his own vehicle and drove away himself.

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