Chapter 22: To Victor, the Spoilers

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About thirty minutes later, Vic returned to Mary-Jo's apartment building to see how Louise was doing. He took the elevator to the third floor and headed to door number 21. He knocked on the door.

"Come on in!" Phil called from inside.

Vic entered the apartment to find Phil and Louise sitting on the sofa having a discussion. Louise had told Phil the whole story of her and Marty, and Phil was just distraught of the whole story.

"Louise, why didn't you say anything?" Phil asked his sister.

"I was too scared of what Marty would've done to me if I said anything to you or Mary-Jo," Louise answered guiltily. "So I just hid it from everyone else."

"Louise, you have to speak up the next time something like this happens to you," Phil told her. "Because if I would've known your husband was so abusive towards you, I would've taken him out my damn self!"

He turned to see Vic enter the living room. "Greetings, Vic," Phil greeted. "I was just having a discussion with my sister on how she should stand up for herself when she gets abused."

"She's gonna need that," Vic agreed. "Especially since she has a baby daughter to look after. I don't want to see you abused again."

"Me either," Phil said. "We were also discussing something else."

"Oh yeah?" Vic replied. "What?"

"I've been thinking over what you said about me and the baby being better off without Marty," Louise told Vic, "and... I've got a plan. Why don't YOU take over Marty's business?"

"I'm no gang boss," Vic protested.

"No..." Louise replied, "but you could be. Come on, we both need the cash, honey."

"I agree with her, Vic," Phil added. "Just think about this. You need the money, and with Marty's gang without their leader, the Trailer Park Mafia will be eliminated, and building an empire will help you get back at those Cholo assholes! Just think about it, Vic!"

Vic thought for a second. On one hand, he wasn't used to building crime empires. But on the other hand, he needed the money for Pete's medication, and he definitely got an opportunity to get back at the Cholos and eliminate them from Vice City once and for all. He didn't have much of a choice.

So Vic agreed on the offer and was seen with Phil and Louise outside.

"First, we need to get some guys together," Louise announced.

"And I'll take care of the other members of the TPM," Phil added as he hopped inside his Walton and drove off.

Vic and Louise hopped inside the Perennial and drove down the road. Vic was eager to take over the Trailer Park Mafia's empires and implementing an empire business of his own.

Vic went to Little Havana and arrived at the Sunshine Autos building to recruit some henchmen. There were two members right outside of the shop.

"Hey, wanna make some money?" Louise asked the two gang members.

"We're the men for the job," one of them said.

So they followed Vic and Louise back inside the vehicle, and Vic drove back onto the road, making a left turn.

Vic drove straight down and arrived at Marty's loan shark business just down the corner. The other two guys and Vic hopped out of the vehicle.

"I'll go find some more guys and see you at Marty's other place," Louise told Vic, sliding to the driver's seat, and she drove away.

"This shouldn't be too tough," Vic told the other two guys. "Come on, guys."

Together, Vic and the two henchmen pulled out their weapons and fired at Marty's guards of the building. They killed each member of the Trailer Park Mafia and hopped into the Admiral parked on the right side of the building.

Vic started the engine, reversed onto the road, and drove away to find more empire buildings to take over. He drove through Little Havana and found another protection empire right on the corner.

There were Marty's guards dispersed around the building. So Vic and his henchmen hopped out of the vehicle and used their weapons to fire at the guards. One by one, they fired their bullets in each guard, and each of them dropped dead from the riddling bullets firing in their bodies.

Vic and the two henchmen walked inside the building and came across two of the guards inside, one of them was armed with a baseball bat. So as the other two henchmen fired at the one with the bat, Vic used his fists to beat up the other member as the latter eventually fought back. The fight lasted for about thirty seconds until Vic used his grapple move on him to grab him by the throat and snap his neck hard.

With every guard dead, Vic had finally taken over the building, and Vic and the two henchmen walked outside just in time to find Louise and Phil arrive in their vehicles.

"You did it, Vic!" Louise cheered. "The whole damn caboodle's yours!"

"Indeed, Vic!" Phil added. "Now Marty's gang are obliterated for good, and it's the perfect opportunity to take out them Cholo boys now!"

"Yeah, but I don't know how to run this kind of thing!" Vic responded.

"It's easy," Phil told him. "Just choose which size you want to make the business, whether it be small, medium venture, and high roller. You could choose protection racket, loan shark, and prostitution. Trust us, it's all legal."

"I agree," Louise said. "Marty could do it, and he was nearly inbred! You'll pick it up! You're amazing! You can do anything!"

"Well," Vic started to say," I guess I could try. As long as it's legal and doesn't involve drugs, an empire wouldn't hurt me."

"That's the spirit, boy!" Phil shouted in glee.

"I'll be sure you guys have about 50% of the cut," Vic told them. "You guys helped me, so you guys deserve a fair share."

"Hey, boss," one of the henchmen asked Vic, "is this a full-time position?"

"Yeah," Vic answered. "Yeah, it is."

"Everything's gonna be just fine!" Louise added.

As she and Phil drove away, Vic looked back. He had made his first business empire, and with enough gangs on his side and money for the businesses, as well as his empire earnings being paid directly to him at 4:00 PM everyday, he would make enough money for Pete's medication to last for the full decade.

I don't think anything will ruin this moment for me, Vic thought, smiling.

Just then, he heard his pager beeping. Vic took it off his belt to read the message. It was from the VCTN

"You have a visitor waiting for you at the airport," the message read. "Have a good day."

A visitor? Vic thought. I wonder who that could be.

Vic had a bad feeling about this. He had this feeling he wouldn't like this one bit. So he took a deep breath and hopped into the Admiral. He started the engine and drove onto the road to make his way to the airport.

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories (Rewrite)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz