Chapter 29: Balls

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Vic woke up the next morning sitting on the edge of the bed to check the time of his alarm clock. It was 5:59 AM. Despite staying up at midnight, Vic surprisingly has a goodnight sleep, which was perhaps from all the work he did last night. He was in his wife beater and black boxer briefs. He sat on the bed thinking about his work in the future. He wanted to get back at Martinez for setting him up a few days ago. But he also wanted the Cholos officially eliminated from the city.

So Vic hopped onto his feet to get ready for the morning. He washed up and got dress right before heading out of the door. He hopped inside his brown Admiral and drove onto the road. The sky was a very dim blue with a light blue glow on the bottom. There were no stirring vehicles around the streets. Vic loved the peaceful morning, especially considering the state he was in.

Vic drove around the city of Little Havana and pulled up in front of Umberto's house. He hopped out of the vehicle and walked to the front door, which he knocked on loudly.

"Come on in!" Umberto shouted from the inside.

Vic turned the knob of the door to open it and walked inside. He found Umberto trying to seduce a welfare woman, who was Caucasian and had her white hair tied to a bun. She was wearing a brown dress and black pantyhose, and she was sitting on the couch reading a book.

"You got some Cuban in you?" Umberto asked with a chuckle. He leaned even closer to the woman. "You look like you got some Cuban in you, lady," Umberto flirted.

"Er, no..." the woman answered annoyed. "I'm from Ohio."

She turned away, which only prompted Umberto to lean further towards her face. "You want some Cuban in you, lady?" he asked sensually.

"No," the woman told him, sounding very annoyed. "Like I told you, I'm a lesbian on a committed journey with my life partner. Now, Mr. Robina, about your father's welfare claim..."

"Oh, whatever, man... " Umberto interrupted. He turned to see Vic enter the house. "Vic," he said, walking up to Vic. "I tell you, this bitch is crazy for me. Can you smell it?"

Vic turned to see the woman sitting on the sofa reading her book. "She's going wild," Vic answered.

Umberto chuckled silently. "Always the same... " he replied. "Listen, we got a problem, huh? Your boy, Jerry; he's causing all sorts of trouble."

"Martinez?" Vic asked abruptly. "Goddamn it!"

"Er, Mr. Robina," the woman called impatiently. "Must I remind you, I am a very busy woman."

"Eh, baby... mira," Umberto called back. "Listen, you keep your panties on, OK? I got some serious man-shit to deal with, with my buddy. Why don't you just stay down, stay pretty? Don't worry, uh? I'll be back with some serious chorizo. Uh, you got a friend for my buddy? He's a little bit shy. Whatever. Vic, let's roll!"

Vic and Umberto were later in front of Umberto's house facing each other along with the two Cubans.

"Show these boys how to be men," Umberto urged Vic, "and take back our streets from these bitch Cholos. I have my own bitch to deal with - inside."

"You're not coming?" Vic asked.

"I will be soon..." Umberto answered, "but not with you, my friend! I'm hot, baby!"

Vic didn't say a word. He returned to his Admiral and he and the other two Cubans hopped inside as Vic started the engine and drove around Little Havana to hunt down the Cholos. Just them, he spotted them hanging out at the coffee shop and he and the other two Cubans pulled out there machine guns to fire at the Cholos, killing them one by one.

After the Cholos were dead, Vic drove around to find more Cholos, and encountered them inside the yellow Sabre. Vic and the Cubans fired at the Sabre during the chase around little Havana, which continued until the Cholos' vehicle finally caught fire and eventually exploded.

As Vic drove around the corner, he and the Cubans caught the Cholos hanging out in that area as well and fired at them. The Cholos dropped dead on the ground quicker than cockroaches sprayed with bug spray, and Vic drove around Little Havana to search for more of the Cholos gang to take out.

Vic spotted another yellow Sabre driving around the town, and the trio drove up to the Sabre and fired at the vehicle. The Cholos fired back and the chase continued around the town until the Cholos' vehicle caught fire and exploded.

Vic and the Cubans were on a roll. By the time they would finish, the Cholos would be on their way to elimination, which would satisfy Vic greatly after they cost him both his jobs. So they found the Cholos around another corner and fired their bullets at the gang. As the Cholos members dropped dead one by one, Vic decided that it was time to return to Umberto's house.

"Great work fellas," Vic told the other two Cubans. "Let's return to Umberto's."

So Vic drove through the city of Little Havana and finally made it to Umberto's house. As Vic parked the vehicle he and the other two Cubans were in, the three hopped out and walked up to Umberto's house.

Vic was feeling a bit satisfied at the point. He had taken a number of Cholos' empire around the city and shot down many of the gang members. So the Cholos were getting weaker by the moment, and Vic would someday get his vengeance against them after they cost him two of his jobs. Thanks to the great work the Cubans had put in to destroy the Cholos gang, things were looking good from there. There was no way this could possibly get any worse than this.

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