Chapter 41: Blitzkrieg

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Vic made it to Lance's apartment to find Lance looking through the window. The latter turned around.

"Hey Vic," Lance told Vic, turning around. "What you doing here, man? You should be out there building our empire."

"What empire?" Vic asked. "I only own a few businesses, and now it's an empire? And what do you mean OUR empire?"

"Call it what you want," Lance replied, "but when the Mendez brothers finally work out that we ripped them off, you gonna need all the cash you can get."

"And you just gonna sit here?" Vic asked, glaring at Lance.

"Hey, man," Lance replied. "It's YOUR empire."

Vic just shook his head and exited the apartment building. He and Lance were already in a pickle, and Lance was still to nonchalant about it instead of taking it seriously. So Vic ran outside and spent the next hour searching for more empire buildings to take over. Most of the members of the Sharks and Bikers have own business of their own, and Vic got most of the other members of the gang to defeat the rival gangs and build the empires.

After a while, Vic finally got a message on his pager from Lance. "You better get over here pronto... " the message read.

So Vic returned to Lance's apartment to find Lance pacing the room. " ...find a way to get outta this, man," Lance muttered under his breath.

"Lance... " Vic uttered, entering the room and taking a seat on a chair, " ...what the fuck is wrong now?"

"Nothing," Lance replied. "Nothing at all. We're fine."

"Really?" Vic asked sarcastically. "'Cause I tell you something, we don't look fine."

"Well, let me tell YOU something, we are," Lance responded. "Hm-hmmm."

"Well, "we" look like a moron who just realized "we" just screwed up this entire family," Vic snarled.

"Well, speak for your damn self," Lance replied. "It's just business, baby. I think I sorted out everything. I am cool, man. I am relaxed as hell. Yeah."

"What are you talking about?" Vic asked.

"The Mendez brothers, they don't want us dead anymore," Lance answered.

"No?" Vic asked.

"No," Lance answered. "They might want to hurt us a bit, but kill us? Naw..."

Vic just hopped out of his seat and glared at Lance. The brothers were already in enough trouble, and Lance was only making things worse. "OK, so a pair of homicidal lunatics merely want to hurt me a bit, and I'm actually pleased about it," Vic snapped sarcastically. "WHAT HAVE YOU GOTTEN US INTO, YOU DUMB SHIT?!"

"Bro, we're cool!" Lance protesting, looking rather intimidated by his brother's curt tirade. "No problem."

"Oh... Lance... " Vic grumbled as he turned away. He couldn't face his brother any longer after what his stupidity has done to the two.

Just then, the phone began to ring, and Lance ran up to it to answer it. "Yeah," Lance answered. "It's the Don."

The person on the phone shouted something, causing Lance's expression to calm and collected to downright surprised "What?" Lance cried out. "You're shitting me, right?"

As the person on the phone finished, Lance hung up and started looking rather nervous. "Damn," he said, silently fearful.

Lance then slowly turned to Vic to show him his nervous expression. "What?!" Vic growled.

"There might be a... little problem," Lance answered, wearing a nervous smile on his face.

As soon as Lance explained to Vic that the Mendez brothers have sent their gang to attack Vic's business empires, Vic was on a fiery rampage and had rebuked Lance for his incompetence. The rest of the argument continued as the two entered the garage.

"Stop yelling at me!" Lance complained vociferously. "It's not my fault!"

"Yes, it is!" Vic roared furiously. "If you hadn't stolen the Mendez's coke, they wouldn't be attacking all of my businesses!"

"I'm sick and tired of you blaming me for everything!" Lance replied, refusing to admit his own mistake. "Now I'm gonna save 'your' empire. You do what you want."

So Lance hopped inside his Infernus and drove away. Vic knew that Lance would not stand a chance on his own since he could barely even take care of himself. So he hopped inside his own Infernus parked outside and drove off on a search for his brother.

He drove through Washington Beach to find that his building empire was being under attack by the Mendez's gang members. Lance was also firing at them as well, and Vic knew he had to step out of the vehicle to defend him.

"You're on my turf now!" Lance shouted at the gang as he continued to fire at them.

Luckily, the rest of the members of the Vance Crime Family came around to help, and Vic had the chance to fire at the Mendez's gang.

"You're all mine!" Lance bragged vociferously. "You're dead!"

Vic decided to keep silent about this since he was much more rational and a lot less impulsive. So he and the rest of his gang continued to defend their business empires from the Mendez gang.

"My name is Lance!" Lance shouted at the goons. "You haven't a chance!"

Each member of the Mendez gang were dropping dead as bullets were fired into them, and more of them reappeared in vehicles. But Vic, Lance, and the rest of the members of the Vance Crime Family were too quick against them.

"I'll break you in two!" Lance continued shouting. "I know Kung-Fu! Chicken!"

Please don't jinx it, Lance! Vic thought. You've gotten us into enough trouble as it is!

The shootout continued for another fifty seconds until everyone in the Mendez gang was finally dead, and Vic and his gang were all still standing.

"We did it!" Vic announced. "We won!"

"Yeah... " Lance answered. "Well, I wouldn't go that far, bro."

"What do you mean?" Vic asked.

"We might have won the day here," Lance started to say, "but we probably got our asses whipped elsewhere. Sorry, man."

Vic then heard his pager beeping and took it off his belt to read the message. It was from Mendez.

"I believe we have mutual interest," the message read. "Call on us - soon. We reside over at Prawn Island."

Vic then turned to Lance as he stored his pager away. "Alright, Lance," Vic said, "looks like Mendez want to speak to us personally. So no complaints and come on! We're gonna settle this once and for all!"

Lance didn't say a word as he followed Vic along to the Infernus and hopped inside. Vic started the engine and made his way to the Mendez brother's residence.

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