Chapter 43: Hostile Takeover

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Vic drove straight ahead until he made a left turn on the long road. As Vic continued driving, he thought about working for the Mendez brothers. So far, they seemed rather calm and magnanimous, but Vic's Aunt Enid always told him to beware the quiet ones. In Armando Mendez's case, he seemed rather calm of the fact that his coke was stolen, and Vic was convinced that he would somehow retaliate in a more sadistic manner.

On the other hand, though, the Mendez brothers did seem like the type of people who would reciprocate with partnership after anyone would help them out, and Vic and Lance did needed to make up for what they inadvertently did.

You know, maybe working for the Mendez brothers wouldn't be a bad thing at all, Vic thought. I should return to the Mendez Mansion to see what other work they want me to do for them.

Vic wanted to be optimistic for once. It was bad enough he got kicked out of the military and lost two of his jobs thanks to a local gang. It was time for him to stop expecting the worst and work harder to fix the mess he and Lance were in at the moment.

So Vic decided to return to the Mendez Mansion and drive back there to speak to Armando. He drove straight Downtown and made a right turn further down, driving on the bridge that led to Prawn Island up ahead.

As he finally made it to Prawn Island right in front of the Mendez Mansion, he saw that Lance's vehicle was nowhere to be found.

Lance must be hiding in his apartment, Vic thought.

He didn't have time to worry about his moronic brother at this time. He just wanted to continue helping out the Mendez brothers. He hopped out of his vehicle and walked up to the Mendez Mansion to speak to Armando.

Vic entered the mansion and made his way into the living room. He looked around and saw that it was empty. He approached the desk in search of one of the Mendez brothers.

"So now we're together," he heard Armando say from behind. Vic turned to see the Bolivian drug Lord approach him from behind. "And yet, business is hard," Armando continued. "This industry is full of criminals."

"Oh yeah?" Vic responded.

"Money can be so corrupting," Armando continued as he paced the room slowly. "I find it very distasteful."

"Heh," Vic replied. "Well, you know, that's the deal with the drugs trade. It attracts the wrong sort."

"Quite," Armando responded, leaning against the desk. "Are you trustworthy, friend?"

"I don't know," Vic acknowledged. "After what I've been through recently, I'd say probably not."

"Great!" Armando replied. "Honesty is a very attractive quality. I'm promoting you, Vic."

"Thanks," Vic told him. "What do you need me to do?"

"Head to Vice Point," Armando answered, walking behind his desk. "The people there have been ripping me off for years. Remove them and set up shop. We need a place we can distribute product from."

"Look, I ain't interested in that side of the business," Vic protested.

"Unfortunately, you don't have a choice," Armando told him calmly as he took a seat in his chair. "Now, Vic, please, go."

Vic knew he couldn't argue his way out of this, especially after what Lance had gotten him into. So all he had to do was just simply comply to Armando's order. Without a single word, he exited the living room and headed outside.

Vic headed outside and hopped inside his vehicle. He started the engine and drove onto the road. He made a right turn down the road and drove straight down Vice Point. To his right hand side, he saw the Bikers at their empire building, which appeared to be a Medium-Venture building.

So Vic hopped out of his vehicle and got his assault rifle ready to fire. The Bikers had fired bullets at Vic as they stood in front of their empire building. Vic ducked behind his vehicle and fired back at them. There were bikers on the rooftop and around the building as well.

Vic knew that he wasn't going to be proud of working on that side of the business, but he was given no other option. He continued firing more bullets at the Bikers as they hopped from behind the building and were onto the rooftops. There were even some around the other side of the road.

Vic had to take cover from the gang's fire. So he dodged the bullets firing around him and took cover behind a pillar of the nearby building. He pulled out his AK-47 and fired back at the bikers, killing each member one by one, from the rooftops to around the building. He was rather determined to complete this task in order to continue moving on in the business. So he continued firing at the Bikers, ripping bullets into the chest of each of them one by one while ducking and dodging the bullets being fired at him.

After a while, Vic watched as he spotted a group of more members of the Bikers escape via Angel motorbikes. Vic ran to the front of the medium-venture empire building and hopped onto one of the parked Angels. He started the engine and turn left to chase after the Bikers, who were driving just straight ahead down Vice Point.

Vic chased after them and got closer, only to find that they were firing back at him with their own machine guns. Vic shifted his head back and forth to dodge the bullets being fired at him and fired back at the Bikers. He waved his SMG around to fire bullets in each biker, killing each of them at a time. After the twenty-second chase, Vic shot down the remaining Biker off his Angel, killing every member trying to escape.

Vic let out a relieved sigh as he turned the Angel around to head back home. But he was later inhibited by his pager, which he felt buzzing. He pulled it off of his belt to read it. It was from Lance.

"Get your ass over here, bro!" the message read.

Vic sighed in annoyance. What could Lance possibly want now? he thought.

He rode straight down Vice Point to visit his brother at his apartment in Ocean Beach.

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