Chapter 1

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I live a quite simple live, I always have. Even having a lot of money, and I do, doesn't mean that you have to spend it on luxurious things. Of course I do use my money to buy some things not everyone has: I live in a beautiful, old, giant house. I have a big car. And I also don't wear the cheap clothes. But the whole idea of living a super glamorous Hollywood-life never tempted me. I live in the countryside and I love it.

I made that decision at the very beginning of my career, before I became rich and famous: I decided that my feet will never leave the ground. And they haven't. For that I'm very grateful.
I live in England with my family: my son Bear, my husband Ned and me. My daughter Mia moved out two years ago and my son Joe moved out last year.

When Bear was younger, Ned used to spend more time with his family. But now that Bear is older, Ned works more often. So it's very often just Bear and me at home.
Mia and Joe come to visit us as often as possible. We are a very close family and I appreciate that.

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