chapter 5

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"Aaare you sure?" I asked following the boys and Desi out to there car.

"Yeah come on,"Desi said jumping up and down next to the car.

"Im not getting my lip pearced," I said refusing to get any closer to my trap.

Seeing my defiance Luke came walking twaord me. Stopping in front of me Luke bent down to my height and whispered in my ear,"but it would look so sexy on you."

I knew my face was red because he chuckled lowly.

Following him i quietly got in the car. It was about five minutes into the car ride when Miky turned on the radio.

Hearing my fav song by one directions i turned it up full blast. After about five minutes of hearing them all sing at the top of there lungs i turned the radio off but they continued.

"Shutup!" I screamed making my headache worse.

After i shouted everyone shuttup including Des. After about three minutes of an ackword silence we pulled up to the mall.

"Please don't make me do it," i said sitting in my seat.

"Come in Rem it can't hurt that bad," Luke said taking my hand.

We made our way to the piercing place and walked in. Seeing the inside of the store i began to hypervinalte.

"Des i don't think i can do this"

"Rem its okay ill be here with you,"

"So will we," Luke said taking my hand and leading me twoards a giant of a man.

"Luke will you hold my hand?" I asked

"Yeah i will," Luke said helping me into a leather chair.

"So little lasie what be the thang you want pearced.

"It be just me lip," i answered in my thick acsent.

"Ay see you be a young Irish one. Which side."

"The ride side."



"Be very still,"he said as i gripped Luke's hand

After five minutes he had pierced my lip. The only thing i felt was a slight sting and nothing else. 

" Did it hurt?" Luke asked as we payed the dude and left.

"Not like i thought it would,"i said looking up into his eyes as we all started twoards the food court. 

"I'm hungry," Mikey and Des complanied.

"Well go find were you want to eat," Luke and i said at the same time couseing everyone to laugh and us to blush deeply.

Okay i don't know how long this is and if it really short I'm sorry.

Pic of Luke hemmings on left.

A 5 SOS fanfic(slow Update)Where stories live. Discover now