Chapter Seven

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Last night is a blur of dark alleys and whispered curses as I tried to haul both me and a very drunk Tommy away from trouble. I remember a man approaching me and saying he'll take care of him, and that's all I needed to get free of his weight. I think Tommy called the man Curly, but I don't know if I can trust my memory. I barely got to my apartment when I literally passed out fully clothed on the bed.

I wake up with a horrible headache and I go to wash myself immediately. Wish I could scrub away last night just as easy as that. I started my night with one Shelby brother and finished it with another, both drunk and half passed out by the end. I try to dress quickly because I'm kind of late to work and the last thing I need is a scolding.

As I'm sitting at my working table and try to clear my mind, I think about what I found out last night. At least now I know what the 'family business ' is about, but I still don't know anything about what they're up to with the police. I continue my day overthinking every word I said, or at least the ones I can remember. I am curious to find out more about Tommy at least, I didn't take him for a guy that gets drunk as a pig because of a bad dream, but that little humanity shown was umexpected. I don't know what I'll say to him the next time I see him, but for sure the atmosphere won't be as relaxed.

When I get back home, the front door is unlocked, even though my paranoia always makes me secure it with both locks before leaving. I think about going to the police, but whoever is there could run away in the meantime.

I enter warily and make my way to the living room. I grab a vase from the hallway, my only weapon apparently and I'm ready to throw it at whoever sits in my armchair, but then I see it-the goddamn peaked hat.

Tommy turns slowly and huffs a laugh at the sight of my defensive stance and weapon.
"If I was really here to hurt you, you wouldn't stand a chance. And by the way, your 'locked door' could have been broken by one of the street kids of Small Heath. I'll send someone to help you." The flat voice. No trace of the charm and charisma he showed last night. Now we're back to 'be cold and as emotionless as a fucking brick' thing.

I put the vase down on the coffee table and give him a hard stare.
"Why bother? And why come here at all?" I say forcing my face to be as blank as his.
"Consider it a debt paid for not letting me to rot in a ditch last night" he says and I swear I can see the shadow of a smile dancing on his lips.
"Surprised you remembered any of it"
"Curly told me". Now that's a smirk. "I hope I didn't tell all the family secrets"
We'll play this game them.
"Not all"

He takes a look at my heavy bag and them turns to the door.
"Anyway, I was just passing by and wanted to make it even somehow"
"You know, people sometimes do something without waiting for anything in return"
"There are no such people in Small Heath". The smile is gone and the cold mask is back on. He gets to the door and opens it with a swiftly pull.

I lay on the coach, staring at the place he was just seconds ago. Why am I so intrigued by him?

I spend the rest of the evening reading quietly in my bed, trying to silence the chaos of thoughts in my head. The next day someone does come along to change my lock, a chubby young boy, but he looks like he knows what he's doing so I just thank him and give him a warm meal.
Before he takes off he says he has a message from Mr. Shelby.

"What could he possible want now?"
The boy just ignored my remark.
"He said to deliver it immediately, but I got caught up with all this work"
He hands me a folded note.

I don't expect you to want to have anything to do with me after what happened, but I am truly sorry. I had such a great night with you and I managed to ruin it. Could I maybe get another chance? Let's say I come to take you out at 7?


Oh. Arthur. I kind of forgot about him. What made him want to deal with me again? Does he really like me? I mean yeah, we had a great night, until the point he started eyeing the drinks more ferociously than me. I can't say I totally forgave him, but the fact that he's still trying to get my attention after he knows he fucked up says something.

Perhaps just because I feel too lonely in this big bad city I grab a pen and scribble an Alright on the back of the paper and hand it back to the boy.

As there's not much time to get ready I choose a simple lavander dress, with lace details on the skirts and braid my hair in a low ponytail. I don't wear much jewelry, just my pearl earrings and no family heirloom tonight. I've seen what Small Heath is really like.

Arthur isn't late one second and he has a pretty carriage waiting for us. He takes me to a fancy restaurant in the center and we actually have a pleasant time.
On my second glass of wine I say:
"Well I have to admit, I'm impressed. I feel awful to say this now, but I didn't expect it."
"After that first impression I wouldn't expect you to think anything but" he chuckles.
He seems so relaxed and so not "bad peaky blinder boy" that I genuinly smile. And halfway through the conversation I realize I stopped fishing for information. I totally forgot about my reason for being here and I just enjoyed myself. Which is something I haven't indulged myself with in a long while.

After finishing dinner he offers to walk me home and I gladly accept. He doesn't make any move to touch me or even look at me funny and maybe that just shows how fucked up the world is, but this is the most respectul man I have ever met.

Our steps echo down the alleys and I wonder if our silence will ever get awkward. But it doesn't.

Until it is interrupted by John running like a madman and shouting at Arthur. After a quick and angry exchange of words they both turn to me.
"I really have to go, Eve." says Arthur and he doesn't even have to speak it, because I see how awful he feels about this.
"Sorry doll, urgent bussiness" continues John already heading the opposite direction.
I want to just head home for now but Arthur gently grabs my arm.
"But I am not letting you go home alone Eve. No way" . Why does he say my name like that?
"What are you going to do about it then?" I ask.

John looks at me like he knows something I don't.
"I'll take you home in a couple of hours, I promise" says Arthur.
"Just tell me where we're going"
"The Shelby residence darling" answers John with a grin.

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