02| Nice to meet ya

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I like the way you talk, I like the things you wear
I want your number tattooed on my arm in ink, I swear
'Cause when the morning comes, I know you won't be there
Every time I turn around, you disappear


An year ago

"Do I really have to go?" I roll my eyes as I comb my hair while my brother is on the speaker trying to convince me to come to my nephew's birthday party.

Don't get me wrong, I love my baby nephew, but kids' parties can get wild sometimes. You give too much sugar to children and they turn into little hyperactive devils who no one can stop.

They have as much energy in a single afternoon as I have in an entire year.

"Well, you are his aunt. I think you should." I can almost picture Caleb rolling his eyes at me, and part of me knows he is right.

We were never close during my childhood as he left our parents house ten year ago, but over the past year we have tried to become more like brother and sister, even though I don't make it very easy for him. Mostly because he tries to be more like my father than my brother. Maybe I should just go to the party, I can always come home whenever I feel like it and Caleb can stop complaining.

"Alright, if you want me there so badly, I will go." I say putting down my hairbrush, as I look at myself on the mirror.

University makes me look dead. Both inside and outside.

"Party starts at three. Try to be here on time." He asks even though he knows I will most likely arrive late.

It is common sense that when you set a party to start at three, most of the guests will be there thirty minutes after, no one likes to be the first. Because there is always that awkward moment of silence where no one speaks and nothing is happening.

"Bye!" I say rolling my eyes at the phone, ending the call right away.

Looking at the time, I realize I have two hours to get ready, it should give me enough time to finish some university work I have left behind.

We are only one week in and I'm already behind, how is that even possible?

Who said it was a good idea to party three nights in a row during the week?

No one. But Jane and I thought it would be a great way to start our first official week as second year students. Again, not our smartest decision but after spending a full month back home I was needing some time with my friends.

I'm never going home for so long again. My mom was driving me crazy the whole time.

Maybe because we are so early into the semester, I find it relatively easy to go through the work I have. Being a history of art student was not easy, not that what we studied was difficult, but it was boring sometimes. Most of my friends were economics and physics students, so I was seen as the one taking the easier course, which was by no means true.

My parents were against my choice since the beginning, well my mother was. But I couldn't care less for her opinion.

After two surprising productive hours, I decide it is finally time to get ready for my nephews party. As it is a kid's party, I don't have to work too hard on an outfit, so I opt for a loose emerald green skirt, and a white top. It is still very warm in this country, so we need to enjoy every bit of summer while it lasts.

I tie my hair with a hair clip on the back of my head, allowing some of it to fall in the front. I don't put any makeup beside my mascara, and I am ready to go. It is now a little past three, so I'm going to get there just in time. I had bought a present for little George so I bring it along with me, as I make my way to the car.

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