Our Mate

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Owen's POV

When we had been directed to this mortal school i didn't know what to expect, didn't know what was going to happen but in all the scenarios i thought of never once did i see her in it, my mate.

Our Mate.

When North, Gabriel, Kota and Luke had brought Sang in i had at first thought she was another student they had decided to help but then my eyes found her beautiful yet haunted green eyes and the connection was sudden, i hadn't even taken in the fact she had tissues packed in her small nose or that she was even hurt and had simply thought my brother's had brought her here because they too knew what she was to us.

It was hard to stay professional to not go running to her and i could see my younger brothers were barely holding back themselves but we had centuries to work on not reacting in such ways.

Only then did i notice she was injured and put that down to just how well my brothers seem to keeping control, they were more focused on getting her seen by Doctor Sean.

Was she why we brought here? mates had become rare in our species, the last mate to appear had been the 16th century, we had never thought there would be another one, let alone her being ours.

The only thing wrong was the fact she was Human, i had to concentrate to have a feel for magical presence which was unusual but i had discovered none, our mate was mortal which meant our time was limited.

It was almost cruel to for fate to bring her to us when our time would be so limited.

My mind kept looking at ways we could try to extend that time while also trying to get Sang to explain problematic information that had came to light, our mate was quite feisty as well as secretive, when Mr McCoy had found his way into the office and i did not miss the way she reacted, she had somehow known he was entering before me or my brothers and the way her body tensed and shook when he entered had more questions running around in my head but first i wanted him gone, not just because i hated this mortal but also because the way Sang reacted to him.

And then he grabbed her, he touched our mate and it took everything in me not to attack the mortal there especially when he didn't let go of her arm when i warned him and when i noticed just how scared Sang seemed to be, i signalled for North to grab her as i took her place.

''You think you can slip another on of your students in and try to lie to me about it?''

McCoy sneered at me but i was in no mood for him i wanted him gone and i wanted to make sure Sang was okay.

''I suggest you leave this office this instant before i report you to Principle Hendricks''

My voice was stern and it took having to repeat that he was only mortal to stop me from attacking him.

''I'll have you out of here in no time''

He growled at me as he sent a look towards our mate before leaving and i knew we were going to have to keep a close eye on Sang, not that we weren't going to before, at least with this we could reason with her why we were suddenly sticking around her, since she was human she wouldn't feel the mate bond like me and my brothers.


My body turned quickly at the sound of my brothers yelling our mates name and my eyes took in the moment she had given in to her panic and fainted, thankfully North had her in his grip and was able to stop her from getting hurt.

''Put her back on the bed North...''

Doctor Green directed North as i moved towards the cot and my brothers though my mind was trying to work out why Sang had such a strong reaction to McCoy, sure he was a vile human but he shouldn't have caused the fear that she showed, did she know McCoy? no he showed no signs of recognition, so what was it?

''The fuck was that all about?''

Gabriel asked as North gently moved Sang's hair out her face as he stepped towards us and i knew all he wanted to do was chase after McCoy, out of all of us he had a problem holding back for those we cared about and this was his mate, i'm surprised he was even restraining himself at all.

''Why did she react that way? that wasn't normal''

North growled out glancing towards Sang for a moment before turning back to us.

''It was quite strange''

Kota muttered as he too tried to figure this puzzle out

''We found her bashing her head against a locker with a bloody nose...what isn't strange about out mate?''

Luke asked receiving a 'fair point' look from Gabriel

''There's more to her''

Sean whispered barely loud enough for us to hear as he leaned himself against the wall next to the cot Sang laid in.

''Perhaps it was woman's intuition, Doctor Roberts has said before mortal women are good for being able to on instinct feel bad intentions in others''

I raised an eyebrow at Victor, this was more than a mortal woman's intuition.

Or was it?

Perhaps i am just hoping there is more to it so i and my brothers don't have to face the limited time we have with her as human, maybe we were seeing it as more than what it was in hopes she was more than human, but i know already that can't be the case, she like all mortals had no magical presence.


We all froze at the sound before our attention's jumped to Sang who was no longer unconscious on the cot bed but instead on her knees licking her hand.

''Is....is she licking her hand?''

Silas asked

''What the fuck''

Gabriel yelled voicing my own thoughts only more colourfully

''Sang Baby?''

North spoke softly cautiously moving towards us only for us all to be taken aback when she literally hiss's at him.

In the words of my fellow brother Gabriel...

What the f.....

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