Chapter 9

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"But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one." –2 Thessalonians 3:3


Front door locked, back door locked,windows locked, kitchen door locked, guest rooms doors locked, all lights off, t.v off. I was now safe or so I would like to think.

Debbie and I went to the shopping mall few hours from the cafe after brushing lightly on the engagement preparation. Engagement was a necessity for every marriage in Nigeria. How else would our cultures meet without an engagement? Either ways, it was important, and been able to plan for something of great importance was something big for me. Since the engagement was happening after I resumed at work, I had started planning.

Our visit to the shopping mall was a short one seeing as Debbie managed to notice how uneasy I was even though I made efforts to not make her worried.

Now that I was so anxious of the unknown, I needed to turn to God.
I went into my room, locked the door and got under the covers with my Bible. I began meditating on a chapter I loved to read when I was telling alone and scared - Phillipians 4.

The chapter spoke to me anytime I read it and made me reflect on my relationship with God.

Phillipians 4 verse 6-7: "Do not be anxious about anything but in every situation, by prayer and supplication, and Thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

I didn't know when the tears came but at that moment, it felt like the right way to express myself. When I remembered HIS face, I sobbed quietly and when I remembered God's word,I went silent.

If anyone was to see me at that moment, they would immediately refer me to the nearest mental institution. It wasn't easy to face betrayal, loss and abandonment, but with God, I believed I could get through any obstacle only if I made my request known to him.

My phone flashed signaling an incoming message. I shifted to bedside table and picked it up. I wasn't in the mood to speak to anyone but I didn't want the person sending the message to think I was ignoring him or her.

"I need your help Grace. It's really important. Call me when you get this message- unknown."  The message read.

What do you do when an anonymous person sends you a text asking for your help?

I just did what everyone would have done, I asked for a name. Presently, I wasn't ready to carry another person's burden but I still felt obligated to.

"It's me Solomon."

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