Chapter 10

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"For God so loved the world.." —John 3:16

Grace's POV

Today was Sunday and I was proud to say that I had succeeded in creeping out thousands of people after the text I received on Thursday night. If you counted my neighbors daughter and the little kid that hugged me in the store when I had gone to get some groceries, I could now be called a monster. Making children laugh was something I was good at not the opposite,but I succeeded in doing that not once but up to three times anytime I saw a child that I had even banned myself from going to the orphanage only calling few times in the day to reassure everyone at the orphanage that it was nothing too serious. Of course they doubted me.

" His love for us surpasses all other kind of love. Turn to Him and He would be glad to welcome you with open arms. God is King over every trouble you are going through. Never forget that. He has the power to turn mountains to dust. He loves you, you should too." The pastor preached as I tried my best to hold my tears in and not breakdown in the Church like a child who couldn't get his mother to buy him his best superhero toy.

An hour later and I was walking back home thinking. I felt like the preacher was speaking directly to me. The words comforted me and I could boldly say I was glad I went to Church.

Was my life unbalanced? Yes. Was God at work? Yes. Was I scared? Yes. Was God my only hope? Yes. I was certain it was the calm before the storm and I was definitely going to enjoy the calm while it lasted.


" You are such a beautiful girl. The dress fits you perfectly." My aunt shouted in delight. Since Monday was almost knocking on my door, I called my Aunt to help me prepare. You could say I felt like a little girl once again. You couldn't blame me, I needed as much love as I could get.

" Grace, what's wrong? You've been staring into space all day. I'm starting to think there's more to me coming here to help you prepare for Monday. Come on baby girl, talk to me. "

My eyes fogged with unshed tears and immediately my aunt hugged me. Tired of crying, I told her about what had happened during the week and the text I got.

Safe to say that my Aunt was fuming by the time I was done.

"How many times have I told you not to keep things from me? You know this was what almost got you depressed last year!! Don't do this to yourself, talk to me anytime. Come, let's sit while I call someone that would clear the air of confusion for us." She lamented,reducing her voice at the last part before drawing me to sit on my bed.

" Hello Mr Richie......... Yes it's me Mrs Peace......" She said into her phone with me once again staring into space.

Have a lovely week people.😘.
Don't forget to R.S.V.C ——Silee.

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