Chapter 18 - The Fight at Boyo Blixxen's House

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12:21 p.m., Sand’s Point, Long Island

     The convoy of four vehicles rolled along gently curving Sand’s Point Drive, past the stately estates of Doctors, Lawyers and Architects. They passed the 300 acre golf course but ignored it.  They weren’t here for pleasure, only business.

     In the lead car, a blue  Mercury Grand Marquis, Captain Racken Pinyun of the NYPD was eating a doughnut while Lieutenant Mack O’Roark drove.  Among the numerous other perks of being a Police Captain, Pinyun enjoyed being able to travel in relative style and comfort.  The car had leather seats and power everything, not to mention a donut dispenser built into the dashboard.  

     “Alright,” Pinyun said. “Here’s the plan. This is a classy neighborhood, understand, so I do NOT want to see your men standing in a row on the front lawn when we get there.  Our purpose is to provide security for the Mayor, not to make a spectacle of ourselves. Keep it low key and relaxed.  This ain’t the Bronx.”

     “Yes sir.” O’Roark said, then radioed the instructions to the squad car which followed at the end of the convoy, secretly pleased that among the six cops along on this cruise, he had the only even halfway normal name.

     Back in the patrol car, Police Sergeant Bruno Creamgooch acknowledged the radio call, then asked his three men if they’d heard the plan.

     “Yes sir!” shouted Patrolman Ace Wheatblatt, while eating a doughnut.

     “Got it.” said Officer Jose Batmunder, cleaning his revolver.

     “Check.” replied Officer Butch Hogwop, drinking coffee with peanut butter in it.

     “Good.” Sergeant Creamgooch said, then started rummaging in the glove compartment for a pack of cigarettes.

     The second car in the convoy, behind the blue Mercury, was the mayor’s  Lincoln Limousine.  The long, black car contained 5 people—the chauffeur; the Mayor’s aide; the Mayor also known as Dexter Farbiss ; Doctor Silus Blixxen, and Max Aphid—the horrible 500 pound leader of Ugly Coco, the wicked homophobic right-wing religious organization devoted to murdering gay teenagers.

     The men were all in a conspiracy together, scheming to kill millions of people in New York to supposedly ‘clean it up’ for decent folk. They were planning to kill everyone who was Gay, Bisexual, Androgynous, Hispanic, Black, Asian, Jewish, Catholic, Muslim, or on drugs. That’s right—95 percent of the city.  Needless to say, they will not succeed, and they will all pay for their bigotry and hatred.  But for the time being, their wicked scheme was still being planned.

     They were on their way to Doctor Blixxen’s estate to hold a meeting… not knowing that the house wasn’t empty the way it should have been; not knowing that Blixxen’s and The Mayor’s sons were there with three friends from school; not knowing the terrible, outrageous things that were about to happen—things that would soon remove Dexter Farbiss from office permanently; things that would result in the hideous, bloody abortion of  the despicable conspiracy they were hatching; things that, in short, would make Margaret Thatcher look like Pablo Picasso.    

                                           ( What? )

     The remaining vehicle in the convoy was a large blue-gray 1983 Dodge Van, driven by Mannequin Horsegurch, a weird 43 year old man who claimed to be an author but who was actually a maniac and an idiot.  Mostly an idiot.  Riding in the back of the van were nine boys between the ages of 14 and 18.  They were all sweating, because the van had no air conditioning, it was 87 degrees outside, and Max had ordered them all to wear long pants and sweaters, in an attempt at making them look socially acceptable.  What they looked like, however, with their earrings, tattoos, scuffed-up knuckles, red and blue dyed hair and beat up skater shoes, was a bunch of skater punks trying to dress up like preppies. It was rather outlandish.

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