Chapter one: Ask And You Shall Receive

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Day 1 the end

Eden Eros Fayes started perplexed into the infinite green sky of a world far from home. That sky of digital code running through a simulation twice over in a loop of time she found all too familiar anymore will probably be her last sight. That was the moment's truest irony. This strange swamp and its blue plants seemed to be the new normal. She cursed her luck as she stared up at the color of the Heavens as they slowly dimmed to black. The surrounding in the world seemed to follow suit as if to signify the coming possible nothingness that lay beyond death itself.

She sighed, grunted and then turned her head to look at the man lying beside her in the same situation she was in.

"I still don't get it. What can a person possibly ask that would give unlimited god-like power? The whole mathematical equation came down to the question itself, really. That's all it was in the end? I mean the simulation seemed perfect. Too bad I may never know the answer after all." The man said putting one hand up as if to touch the endless green Firmament itself and then turned his head to meet Eden's gaze with his own.

Eden smiled not sure what to say to this. She thought as the two stare lovingly into each other's eyes. It hadn't been but a few months but she found herself doing that a lot. Contemplating things and sighing an Oddly ironic grin that really was kind of out of nowhere. As if it defied all the bad news she had gotten throughout this experience.

She wasn't sure why. It wasn't like there was anything to be blissful about. This was the end after all. She wasn't sure of what though. One thing's for sure, as everything grew dark around them, she knew the two of them would subsist in any way anymore. She guessed It was all nebulous in these last moments in the garden. All that matters now is that Eden was with the man she grew to love. It might not be much but in the aftermath of everything but it was the best scenario that the two could hope for. She nodded as she finally found the words that fit the moment.

"You know I think it was our problem is. Sorta, Kinda, kinda sorta. Trying to calculate the meaning of existence or even the meaning of life as a mathematical problem in the first place. It was our undoing. That itself may be the truest answer of all." Eden yawned and then rolled over to face the other direction as the man just shrugged. "By the way, I got a dumb question to ask, since we probably don't have long to go before causality itself erases us from existence. Not that it matters at all. It's something that has been bothering me since we started this."

"What's that."

"What next?" Eden asked, to the confusion of the man. "No literally, what's next? It's a question. We can ask from here. I am not sure it's going to help though. Either way, we will get a definite answer .wheather or not we know it after the next five minutes though. Either way, our answer will come soon here shortly anyways after all." Eden's words sank into the man's mind as if it were a thousand tiny nuclear grade enigma set specifically to blow It to kingdom come. He just kept smiling awkwardly as if to say it didn't matter anyways.

"You know Eden, You're cute when you don't ask questions. It's not your strong suit. Nice try though. Will have to remember that one for what it's worth knowing after this." The man said and then looked back at the sky.

That unending green and its fading light in the distance. He sighed.

"You know Gavel that's the point but I don't have time to explain now. It may be something that will come in our future. Either way, See you on the other side when we arrive there. It was fun." Eden said as the man got a perplexed look on his face for a second.

"Wait did she just act like we are going somewhere but there's nowhere left to go, is there? He thought in a moment of panic turning back to ask her for further clarification, as he did so, he saw nothing but an endless field of blue swamp grasses with trees in the distance. The man shrugged and as he did so he dissolved into a tiny glowing particle of sand that blew away in the wind. The light off the world faded faster and faster as he gave up. He looked back at the sky as his last words in the moment to echo on throughout all of time as grey winged angel like beings fly in from above. "I guess I'll never know what she meant. I am just glad the answer wasn't forty two."

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