Season 1: Episode 8 (part one) Alec

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I stand over the rotting body of the rouge Forsaken. Or at least that's what I think it is. Anyway, that creature Lydia and I recovered from The Jade Wolf. Right before she told me my parents were circle members. The very people that terrorize downworlders, strike fear into shadowhunter's hearts. Follow Valentine. It's just so unbelievable. They are the ones who keep telling Izzy and I we're not good enough. That we were the ones that brought shame to the Lightwood name. That we need to change who we are, just to restore that faith. That I had to change my feelings. It was them. Them all along. I snap back to reality when I hear Lydia's voice. "We need to make sure no magic was used to make this. I'm calling the nearest High Warlock to come in to consult." I glance up, blushing slightly, thinking of who this high warlock is.
"Magnus Bane? To come here to the Institute?" I stutter slightly. I feel her eyes on me.
"Yes, is there a problem?"
"No. Not at all. Magnus is, um... quite magical." Fuck. "He's, uh, very... very good at magic." I can't concentrate on my wording right now. I have too many thoughts racing through my head. And I really need to concentrate when talking about Magnus.
"Do you know him well?" I look back down at the Forsaken and shrug slightly.
"Uh, just a little." There we go, on the right track again. She seems convinced.
"I actually can't wait to meet him. Did you know that my great ancestor, Henry Branwell, who was the last of the Branwells to run an Institute, and Magnus Bane invented the Portal?" She's grinning ear to ear. I can't help but feel an angry itch about this. The way she just springs information on me. First my parents and now she knows more about Magnus than I do?
"No. Just add that to the list of things I didn't know." I feel my face heat in sudden anger and start to leave. She follows of course.
"Alec. I'm sorry. You shouldn't have had to find out your parents were ex-Circle members. Not like that." No shit, really? That kind of information was not up to her to tell me.
"You mean from you? You shouldn't have been the one I found out from."
"You know there's been a ban about talking about the Circle till now." She's trying to comfort me, I can tell. But this is all too much right now. Everything they ever told me was a lie.
"Yeah, how convenient for my parents."
"This doesn't change how I feel about the Lightwoods. Your family has always had a strong alliance with mine. They've been a powerful force in the Shadow World and praised for their devotion." Her eyes go all soft.
"'Devotion'? My parents were in league with Valentine." I scoff.
"People make mistakes."
"Yeah, but this one... it's unforgivable." I storm out of the room. I have to rethink everything. I'm not following them anymore.

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