Season 1: Episode 12 (part 5) Magnus

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The room is full of people. They sit in rows of chairs all leading up to a raised platform. There stands Alec. Dressed in a white suit, black bow tie, a look of pure anxiety across his beautiful face. He stares at me wide eyed. He stands there, arm extended out to Lydia. She holds a stele suspended mid air a centimeter away from his exposed wrist. His look pleads for help. He's so full of panic. I have to save him.
Everyone else also stares at me. His mother especially looks horrified. She growls something. Alec's eyes are locked on mine. He looks like he wants to die. My heart melts for him. Everyone is murmuring. I ignore them and stare into his eyes. Maryse comes speed walking up to me, she's fuming.
"Magnus, leave this wedding now." She hisses. I hold two fingers up to her. Breaking the contact with Alec to glance at her.
"Maryse, this is between me and your son. I'll leave if he asks me to." I take a few steps further towards Alec and lock our eyes again. He looks like he's being torn apart. I want to be there to hold him together. Jace leans forward from next to him on the platform and whispers something. Alec slowly turns his head to look at Lydia. I stand strong. This is all up to him. I meant what I said to Maryse. I will leave if that's what he wants. He says something quietly to Lydia. She nods. He says something else. This time she places her hand on the side of his face gently. I wish I knew what was going on. I stay standing still, waiting for something to happen. Everyone else in the room is waiting too. Alec slowly turns to face the room. He glances at the rows of people, clenches his fists and unclenches them. He takes a very deep breath and locks eyes with me. I can't read him for some reason. He takes a step forward. And another. Once he's off the platform, he stops. He stares deep into my eyes and breathes. Then he starts moving again. Soon he's walking quickly towards me. What is he doing? Maryse walks up from behind me towards him.
" Alec, what are you doing?" Her tone is deadly angry. Alec holds a hand up to her.
"Enough." He doesn't break eye contact with me. Before I know it, he's standing right in front of me. He takes me by the lapels of my suit and then his lips press into mine.

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