Season 1: Episode 12 (part 8) Alec

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When I'm sure Clary and Jace are gone, I let a breath out. It's just Magnus and I now. I remember the way his lips felt on mine. The way he held me close. I haven't been able to get my parents faces out of my mind, but now that it's just Magnus and I, I can't help but think it was worth it. I look up and tug on my cuffs nervously. He's playing with his rings looking down, a small smile creeps up his face. I casually pace over to him.
"I'm so glad we got away from that crowd and all those people. So intense." I gesture with my arms. I know I look frantic, but that was the craziest thing I've ever done. He stares into my eyes. I'm frozen. Those eyes are so beautiful. He walks closer, grinning.
"I have to hand it to you, Alexander. You certainly know how to make a statement." He reaches up and touches my arm gently. A shiver runs down my spine and my heart leaps. Now that everything's out there, I'm not that nervous around him. I even start to feel a little giddy. He leans forward slowly and I let him. I lean in a bit to. My heartbeat quickens. I want to kiss him again. I really want him to kiss me. I lean in a little more. The sound of approaching footsteps interrupts us. He takes his hand off my arm and I turn to the sound. My mood sinks. There stands my parents in a their fury, stomping up the steps into the weapons room, my mother in the lead. I sigh and turn around fully too face them. I feel my anxiety creep up again. But this time, something about Magnus standing behind me, calms me down a bit. There's no going back now, and there's something relieving about that. My mother stares me down.
"What have you done, Alec? To us? This family?" I try to look confident. But that hurt.
"This isn't about you." I try to hold my ground.
"Of course it is. You are either being selfish or naive. This wedding was your plan from the start. And now you have humiliated us in front of the most respected members of the Clave. I don't even recognize you anymore." My chest burns. I look at my father. He just looks back sternly. My mother looks even more furious.
"I'm the same person I've always been. Now everything's just out in the open." I hear how desperate I sound for them to accept me in my tone. Now my mom looks confused. Confused but still furious. She stares into my face then at Magnus. He stands facing the wall behind me. He's looking at us through the corner of his eye. Obviously not wanting to get involved which I am very grateful for. They would be even more cruel to him.
"And all for a Downworlder." She says in disbelief. Anger fires through me. How could she say that?! And right to his face?! She can not treat him like that. I open my mouth to say something but she turns her back and storms off. I glare after her. I notice my dad shuffle closer to me. He looks like he doesn't want to make full eye-contact.
"Just give her time." He says. I still stare after her adjusting my cuffs. I can't believe what she said about Magnus. My father swivels to look behind him.
"And you?" I say. There's quiet for a moment. He turns to face me. He looks at Magnus for a second. Then slightly down.
"I don't really understand this. But I suppose our world is changing." He looks up at me. I feel so relieved he didn't start accusing me like my mom. "How long has this been going on? Are you two in love?" He asks looking between us.
"Love? What? No. No, it's... it's, uh, it's sort of a different... It's not–" Magnus walks up to us.
"It's all very new." He cuts in saving me. I nod and look back at my dad smiling a little. He slowly nods. He takes a breath like he's going to say something but shuts his mouth and looks down. He leans over and squeezes my arm awkwardly, before looking up again.
"Right. I better go check on Mom." He turns away. I sigh my face falling a bit. He seemed uncomfortable. I wish he wasn't. He's never usually that awkward.
"You know what I just realized? We still haven't gone on our first date yet." I hear Magnus say from next to me. I smile and look at him.
"Yeah, you're right. You wanna... I don't know, get a drink sometime?" He grins back at me.
"I would love that."
"Great." I say. I really mean it.

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