Season 1: Episode 11 (part 2) Magnus

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Alec leads me down a stone corridor that ends in a room filled with all sorts of weapons, shields, anything to do with battle equipment. He presses against a section of the wall, causing it to slide outward. In it, is a rack of organized bows and arrows. Alec reaches in and delicately pulls out an old one. I can tell because it's obviously well worn but has been taken very good care of. In the other hand he pulls out a quiver filled with arrows in a similar condition. He sighs and hands them over to me. They must really mean a lot to him. The bow is heavier than I expected it to be. He must be really strong to carry it all the time.
"As promised... payment in full." He looks into my eyes. My heartbeat speeds a bit at this. "Thank you." He says. He looks away and turns his head. He obviously doesn't want to risk anything by being around me anymore. I take the hint and turn to leave. He isn't stopping me. Instead, I stop myself. I sigh. Is Alec really worth all this effort? By now, yes. I saw how protective he was of his sister. He's so loving and kind and beautiful. I can't just let him make the worst decision of his life. I close my eyes for a second before turning around.
"I just want you to know, Lydia was wonderful in court. She's great." His face lights up. He's not getting it.
"So you get it." He says, almost smiling. I take a few steps closer to him. He doesn't back away. I look into his eyes. I need him to really think about what he's doing. The mistake he's making. I walk slowly towards him.
"No, Alec. I get her. I like her. But you don't have to marry her." I stop walking right in front of him. His face hardens.
"Yes, I do, Magnus." He says forcefully. He's staring into my eyes too now.
"You'll be lonely all your life, and so will she. Neither of you deserve it." I say just as forcefully. He looks away. I can tell he knows what I'm saying is true. He just doesn't want to admit it to himself. This whole situation is so frustrating and heartbreaking at the same time. Can't he just let me help him accept himself for who he really is? I want him so badly, and I know he wants me! He just won't admit it to himself. I look into his eyes again. "And I don't either." I maintain eye contact for a second. I wait for him to say something. He doesn't. I sigh in frustration. I look down at his bow in my hand. What am I doing? I can't take this away from him. I sigh again and hold the bow and quiver out to him. "I don't know what to do with these." He looks at me like he thinks I'm tricking him. I hate that look. I just want to scream at him you're in love with me! Accept it. Instead I nod to let him know I'm not trying to trick him. I push them out further. "You keep them for me." I nod again. He takes them cautiously, eyeing me carefully. A turn and leave for real now. Again, he doesn't stop me. I'm done with this for today. Done with continuously trying to make something happen with someone who I know has feelings for me, but just won't except them. I love a challenge, but this is simply an impossible situation. I storm faster down the halls of the institute, I can make a portal whenever I want, but right now, I'm too pissed off to care about getting home. All I can do is try to make his life better, because by now I actually really care about him, and not expect any form of affection in return. I kick open the doors to the institute and gesture a portal to appear in front of me. I step through it tho my apartment and immediately head to the bar. I pour myself and drink and down it in one go. If only Alec would help me out a little and just do what's best for everyone and call off the wedding. I sigh, now thoroughly exhausted, and down another drink.

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