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This could mean more than one thing, from trapped in a place to just feeling trapped

1) (A) and (B) are forced together in a game of 7 minutes in heaven and after the 7 minutes are actually trapped in said closet/room because the door somehow managed to jam
2) (A) actually is a person in real life, and get trapped in danganronpa, so they have to play it off like they were meant to be there
3) (based off the bad end night series) (A) and (B) are both in some kind of show, and one of them forgets a prop so they have to go and grab it.while they're looking around they get knocked unconscious. When they wake up, they run into (B), who's in costume and in character, how are they supposed to react? (And end this paradox)
4) (A) is trapped in (dangerous place like, and incinerator, stickup, etc) and (B) is on the other side of the door or on the phone with them trying to talk them through what to do (like a 911 operator or just, as a friend or something) and calm down a panicked (A). In the end they either die or get out safely.
5)I'm out of ideas, make it up!

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