Chapter 9

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It was Apple White who looked dead into the eyes of Dexter and Raven. She held the magical wand close to her, swiping in with her wrist. 

"It's finally mine! I can get my happily ever after that I have deserved once and for all!"

Dexter grabbed Raven and put her behind him, making sure nothing happened to her. Apple walked closer and closer to Raven and Dexter, with an evil look in her eyes. 

"Well seems our newly King is protecting his princess huh? Isn't that cute?"

Everyone stayed silent until Raven walked up behind Dexter unnoticed. 

"Apple this isn't you. Stop trying to act into a role you aren't meant to play."

"Oh really? Then what role am I suppose to play huh?"

"You are meant to have a happily ever after but not like this."

"Why not!?! You took my happily ever after away from me! Being queen is all I've ever dreamed of. I'm meant to be queen unlike you who is actually a selfish person trying to steal my king who's rightfully mine."

Raven felt speechless, knowing every bit of what she said is true. Walking with caution, Raven took steps closer and closer to Apple, trying to receive the wand. By Raven signalling the others, she continued to walk around in a circle. Apple noticed her routine. 

"What are you going to do about it Raven? It's not like you can defeat me with your own bare hands.

"No but I do got others who are willing to help me stop you."

Coming from behind Raven stood Cerise, Sparrow, and Hunter. Cerise growled while Sparrow got his bow and arrows ready with Hunter preparing his sword. Raven kept distracting her from using the wand, not knowing what was about to happen.

"Well you think you of an ugly sorceress , a savage werewolf, horrible thief and wannabe swordsman can stop me? Ha you make me laugh. Now I can show you what I'm really made of."


Raven was too late as Apple was casting her spell.

"Magic wand hear to me

Listen to my command 

As release the evil to be 

Now come and disband"

After Apple released the magic, she felt a pressure on her chest weight off as the magic wand sent a spark outwards from the castle as it fell onto the ground. When everything stood still, the ground began to shake as everyone fell to the floor. As the magic shot passed Fairway Land into the Bridge of Fantasize, it struck a hole in the barrier of Hexita, leaving the barrier to be free. When Red Riding Hood, Robin Hood, Huntsman felt an earthquake, the Evil Queen it was her time so shine once again.


The Evil Queen laughed hysterically as she transformed from her human like form into a dragon about 9 feet tall, flying over Hexita towards the Charming castle. Back at the castle, everyone tried lifting each other up until someone saw the wand in Raven's hand. Dexter looked confused as she held the wand with fear in her eyes. 

"Raven, give me the wand.'s gonna be alright..."

Dexter held his hand openly to her until she backed away with Cerise, Sparrow and Hunter giving her a worried look in their faces. Cerise crept up against Dexter, trying to help Dexter. 

"Raven you don't need to do this anymore. We don't need to prove our parents that we are meant to be evil. We can start a whole life here at Ever After High."

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