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- he got hit by a car. he was riding his bike and forgot his helmet 🤦‍♀️ it was dark and you didn't see him while driving. you were a new driver.
- you didn't know him well but, you knew him well enough.
- people make fun of him at his funeral for dying the way he did lol
- people call you a murder. especially his mom.

- he was with Monty and the rest of the boys, they were drunk and at his house. Bryce got into his dads office and found his gun.
- the boys thought it was so cool, until Bryce pretended to shoot himself between the eyes. he thought it wasn't loaded. it was.
- it was the worst thing that could've happened to him, you loved him so. he was your fiancè after all. you were there. when he did it.
- the image played in your head over and over again. the sound. the smoke from the gun powder. everything.

- no one had seen him at school for so long. maybe about a week.
- you were his best friend. you cared and were worried after he hadn't answered your texts or calls and you decided to finally go over. his dad terrified you so that's why it took so long.
- you knocked but no one answered. you let yourself in. no one was home... or so it seemed. you called him; no answer.
- that's when you went to his bedroom. you'd found him on the floor. bruised. dried blood on the floor and... and he wasn't breathing.
- his dad got the best of him.

- after his attempt to commit suicide, Alex had many complications while in the hospital.
- severe brain damage and limb dysfunction, organ failure.
- he wouldn't make it. you were hopeful but you knew deep down maybe he wasn't strong enough.
- later that night, the doctors discovered he had died from a brain hemorrhage.

- he had sent you a text. one four words.
- I love you. goodbye.
- then, he disappeared for the night. the next morning you woke up to the news. on the TV. in your messages. phone calls. social media.
- "local teen from crestmont junps" was the headline.
- you knew. Zachary had been acting weird. you knew he was unhappy but not like this.
- not like this.
- you didn't believe it. you thought he was still out there somewhere and they lied.  and he was, he would always be with you.

- he was buying from his dealer
- they took the money and beat him to death, apparently he never intended to sell to Justin.
-  justin fought back. he always did. he fought ant fought.
- you knew he was trying his best to get better. he tried. but in the end his addiction got the best of him. or rather, the addictions supplier.

-  tony was trying to save you. from your ex boyfriend.
- tony was your best friend. the best person. you talked to him about everything and anything. until your abusive, crazy, ex boyfriend went to his house after tony intervened in an argument and strangled him.
- tony was home alone that day. police say he was killed with a cable. probably something involved with his car. your boyfriend was cynical, awful. he used it against tony.

- jeff was a lifeguard at the local pool, you only knew him from his work there.
- you'd go swimming just to see him. he was so nice and loved to talk to anyone. and he was sort of cute too.
- a little girl had been alone at the pool, her parents left for a moment thinking she would be okay just if they went to the car to get towels. she wasn't, Jeff had to dive to help her and on the way down he smashed his head on the shallow floor of the pool. he had managed to get her up out of the water before he passed out.
- he died from head injury and drowning.

- tyler was at school, some after school program more than likely. photography.
- that's where they found the body.
- he was developing pictures when one of the outlets sparked and lit his photos on fire. he couldn't put them out in time and eventually caught the room on fire, trapping him inside and burning him alive.

- scott was on Bryces boat, he was drunk. extremely drunk.
- everyone was passed out except for Bryce. he was in and out. Scott was on his way to the bedroom to pass out when he tripped and fell down the stairs. unfortunately the stairs led him off the boat and he died after his rough tumble. he hit his head and broke his arm and it we fatal. in the morning Bryce threw his overboard and cleaned up, he acted oblivious when the other woke up to a missing Scott.

are ya'll still into this? lol

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