~Chapter 8~ YES!!

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GUYS!!! So, this chapter is only going to be on Grace's point of view. Enjoy! =}


Two days later...

[Grace's P.O.V.]

I told Marshall about the baby thing and his reaction just made me love him more... He said he would do anything for this baby just like he did for his daughters. Unfortunately he was about to leave in only two days for his concert. He said I could call him anytime I want or need to but it wouldn't be the same.. I mean, he already left for concerts or tour or interviews but I wasn't pregnant with his baby.. I like it when he takes care of me at night when I puke, when he strokes my hair when I can't sleep or when he wakes up at 5:00am just to go buy me some chocolates. Marshall is like the guy every girls would love to be with. I still can't realize he's mine, I can't realize I have somebody in my life that really cares much about me. My parents was almost never home and when they was they didn't give a shit about how I felt. I'm pretty sure sometimes they even forgot I existed. I have an older sister but she used to always hang out with guys and stuffs and I know she didn't change. That's why I don't wanna introduce her to Marshall. But fuck it, my life is much better now.

Alaina and Hailie was at their friend's party, they said they would come back tomorow morning. Whitney was at Kim's and Nathan was at his girlfriend's house. Which means only I and Marshall was here. I was preparing dinner when I felt two strong arms wrap my waist tightly. Well of course that was Marshall. 

"Hey." He said with this seductive voice he had.

I smiled and turned to him. "I thought you were writing a song?" 

He placed his hands on my waist. "I was.. But I needed inspiration."

"Oh, and how can I help you Mr. Mathers?" I asked as I wrapped my arms around his neck, knowing very well what he wanted.

"I'm gonna show you." He carried me upstairs and entered in our bedroom then he locked the door behind him.

Hours later...

We had passionate sex for like probably.. four hours. Marshall laid down so I laid my head on his chest, tracing hearts on his abs with my fingertip. I definately was happy.

"Grace?" He asked softly as he stroked my hair.


"I have something to ask you."

I looked up at him. "What is it?"

He opened his nighstand drawer and took out a small red velvet box. I already knew what that was about. He opened it to me.

"Well I'm not really good at speeches so I'm gonna make it brief.. You know I love you and shit but I wanna make you officially mine so uhm, do you wanna marry me?"

I jumped up as some tears started to roll out of my eyes. "YES!!!!" I screamed in joy.

Marshall wrapped the ring around my finger. I threw myself in his arms as I felt him smile softly.

My dad Marshall, My famous dad EminemWhere stories live. Discover now