~Chapter 9~ Another chance?

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Daddy wanna marry Grace? WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!?!?!?!?!

Well, fortunately I wasn't here when daddy and Grace did 'it'. I mean, it's hard to imagine your own father having sex. 

Today is the last day before daddy's concert so I decided to talk to him about something. Mommy called earlier and she said she needed to talk to daddy so I said he was in the studio but that was a lie, daddy was here. But he was too busy cuddling with Grace and I couldn't tell mommy 'wanna talk to him? he's on the couch stroking his new girl's thigh'... I know she still has feelings for daddy so I don't wanna make her suffer, not now at least. I knocked on daddy's bedroom door.

"Come in." He said.

I entered in and guess what he was doing? Cuddling with her, again! I like Grace but seeing her always around MY dad was starting to make me sick. I frowned.

"I'll talk to you later." I closed the door and ran back downstairs. I heard daddy run after me. I tried to run faster but he caught my arm.

"Hailie what's wrong?!" He asked as he held my arm tightly so I couldn't run back away.

"Go see her, she needs you..." I rolled my eyes.

He sighed. "I thought you accepted her?"

I nodded. "I did but the problem is she's always around you, she doesn't let me Alaina and Whitney have you for at least three fucking minutes!"

He frowned. "You know that's not true, she's doing her best to be a good step mother."

I shook my head. "Whatever."

He brought me to the couch. "What did you wanna tell me?"

I sat on the couch as I stared at the ground. "Mommy called..."

He placed his elbows on his lap. "So what?"

I looked at him. "So she wanted to talk to you."

He sighed. "About what?"

I shrugged. "I dunno."

He pulled me into a hug. But not any random hug, those sweet hugs daddy gives us. "I'll call her later okay?" 

I hugged him back as I buried my face into his warm chest. "Why don't you call her now..?"

"Because I'm- alright, give me the phone." I jumped up, smiling then I handed him the phone.

He took it and dialed mommy's number.

[Marshall's P.O.V.]

Kim answered the phone. "Hello?"

I got up from the couch and went to the kitchen. "Hey, it's Marshall."

"Oh, hi Marshall." I swear I could hear her smile.

To be continued...

My dad Marshall, My famous dad EminemWhere stories live. Discover now